يعرض مُنشئ الاستبيانات المبتكر لـ LimeSurvey لمديري الأعمال منصة قوية لجمع رؤى حيوية تساعد في اتخاذ القرارات الاستراتيجية. قم بتخصيص الاستبيانات لاستنباط المعلومات الدقيقة المتعلقة بأهداف عملك وجمع ردود صادقة بسهولة.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.