استخدم LimeSurvey لإنشاء استبيانات بسهولة تلبية الأهداف البحثية المحددة، مثل تقييم رضا اللاعبين، تقييم فعالية التدريب، أو جمع ملاحظات حول أداء الفريق. قم بتحليل استجابات الاستبيان، وتحديد الاتجاهات، وتوليد رؤى قابلة للتنفيذ لتحسين فريقك الرياضي.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.