S širokým spektrom typov otázok, vrátane otázok s viacerými možnosťami odpovedí, otvorených otázok a otázok na Likertovej škále, môžu produktoví manažéri zhromažďovať bohaté a použiteľné údaje, aby mohli prijímať informované rozhodnutia, ktoré nakoniec zlepšia ich produkty.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.
The software is a great help to capture the feedback of visitors regarding Ars Electronica and eventually to react to this feedback.
Limesurvey allowed us to build a complex community survey using 100% free (as in GPL) software…
Regarding accessibility, LimeSurvey was the only product which convinced.