
Тип въпрос - Показване на текст

From LimeSurvey Manual

This page is a translated version of the page Question type - Text display and the translation is 100% complete.

Кратко описание

Този тип въпрос не събира информация от респондента. Той просто показва текст. Може да се използва за предоставяне на допълнителни инструкции или прекъсване на дизайна в проучването.

Моля, имайте предвид, че можете да напишете в текста на този въпрос също html или javascript. По този начин можете да използвате този въпрос за други цели.


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QS:Въпрос тема

Hide tip (hide_tip)


Most questions will usually include a tip that says "Please choose one of the following options" or a hint text on how to fill out the question. This attribute allows you to turn off or on this tips/hints.

These tips/hints include validation criteria messages (such as min/max number of answers, min/max/equals sum value). If hide_tip is enabled, these messages will be hidden. However, if the user enters invalid data, the tips will appear. They will be coloured in red, getting changed to green once the validation criteria are met.

Available options

  • On - the tips/hints are hidden;
  • Off (default).


QS:CSS клас


QS:Произволна група


QS:Прекъсване на страница


Display chart (display_chart)


This attribute allows the survey administrator to choose if a chart that contains the question results should be displayed to the survey participants after they filled out the survey.

Note: To have the chart displayed on the last page, you have to enable the following options:

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

QS:Тип диаграма


Следните типове въпроси поддържат таймери:

Атрибутите на таймера работят най-добре с анкети, използващи формата въпрос по въпрос. Те могат да се използват и в анкети, които използват формата група по група. Но провеждането на група по групов формат може да наруши задължителните въпроси и имплицитно проучването.

Time limit (time_limit)


Setting the time_limit attribute on a question will cause a countdown timer to begin counting down as soon as that question/page is loaded. At the expiry of the countdown timer the question will either automatically move on to the next page or become read-only.

Valid values

  • Any positive integer number


Set it to 240 to count down from 4 minutes (240 seconds).



Time limit action (time_limit_action)


Sets the action performed when a time_limit has expired. By default the action for a time limit is "Warn and move on", which means the system will give a short warning that the time limit has expired before saving the question and effectively automatically clicking "Next >>". The alternative choices are to:

  • "Move on without warning", which automatically clicks the "Next >>" button after the timer is finished but without any warning message.
  • "Disable only", which disables changes in the question so the participant can't change anything, but doesn't automatically click the "Next >>" button.

This setting is only applicable if the general time limit setting is activated.

Available options

  • Warn and move on (default): will warn the participant that the time has expired, and then click the next button
  • Move on without warning: will immediately click the next button after the time limit has expired
  • Disable only: will disable the answer after the time limit has expired but not automatically click next

Additional information

  Attention : If the question is mandatory, or a question in the group is mandatory, a JavaScript loop will be created if the mandatory question(s) is/are not answered. As a result, an error will be displayed on the screen that certain questions have not be filled in, which in turn will trigger the refresh of the page.
Instead of relying on mandatory questions, you may use expressions (read more about question and subquestion validation equations) to make the user not leave empty the answer fields. To see how the validation equations work, check the following example.

In the case in which you want to apply a timer to a question group, activate the group-by-group survey mode, set up a question to use the time limit functionality, and choose the warn and move on (default) option as time limit action. Once the question timer expires, the survey will move to the next page.


Time limit disable next (time_limit_disable_next)


It allows disabling the "next" button while a time_limit countdown is occurring. Normally, even if the time limit countdown is active, if the participant wants to click "Next" and move on to the next question or question group, they can simply click on the "Next" button (thus cutting short the time spent on the question or question group). By activating this function, the next button will appear greyed out and will not be available until the countdown timer has finished.

This settings is only applicable if the general time limit setting is activated.

Available options

  • On - The "Next" button will be disabled until the time limit countdown is complete.
  • Off (default)
Note: If your survey uses the group by group format, this function applies to the whole group this question belongs to.

Time limit disable prev (time_limit_disable_prev)


It allows disabling the "previous" button while a time_limit countdown is occurring. Normally, even if a time limit countdown is active, if the participant wants to click on "Previous" and move to the previous question or question group, they can simply click on the "Previous" button (thus cutting short the time spent on the question or question group). By activating this function, the previous button will appear greyed out and will not be available until the countdown timer has finished.

This settings is only applicable if the general time limit setting is activated.

Available options

  • On - the "Previous" button will be disabled until the time limit countdown is complete.
  • Off (default)
Note: If your survey uses the group by group format, this function applies to the whole group this question belongs to.

Time limit countdown message (time_limit_countdown_message)


Write in this field the text message you wish to be displayed in the countdown timer during the countdown. This setting is applicable only if the general time limit setting is activated. If nothing is written, the the field will use the default value: "Time remaining".

Time limit timer CSS style (time_limit_timer_style)


It allows (and overrides the default) css styling used to display the countdown timer. The default style value for this attribute will be used if it does not exist, which is: 'width: 150px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: 1px solid #111; text-align: center; background-color: #EEE; margin-bottom: 5px; font-size: 8pt;'.

Any text entered into this attribute will overwrite the entire default css style, so you should ensure that care is taken when entering a value for this attribute. A simple way to hide this is to copy the default style into this attribute and add 'display: none;' to the end.

This settings is only applicable if the general time limit setting is activated.

Time limit expiry message display time (time_limit_message_delay)


This attribute sets how many seconds the time_limit_message is displayed before the time_limit_action occurs. If this attribute is not set, it defaults to a value of 1 (1 second).

This settings is only applicable if the general time limit settings is activated.


time_limit_message_delay: 5 = the message displays for 5 seconds

Time limit expiry message (time_limit_message)


This is the text of the message that appears to the participant when the time_limit has expired. By default, this message is "Your time to answer this question has expired". If the time_limit_action attribute is set to "Move on without warning" this message is not displayed. You can set the CSS style for this text in the time_limit_message_style attribute (see below).

This settings is only applicable if the general time limit settings is activated.


time_limit_message: The time limit on answering this question is now up.

Time limit message CSS style (time_limit_message_style)


It allows (and overrides the default) css styling used to display the time limit message. The default style value for this attribute will be used if it does not exist, which is: 'top: 10px; left: 35%; width: 30%; height: 60px; padding: 16px; border: 8px solid #555; background-color: white; z-index: 1002; text-align: center; overflow: auto'.

Any text entered into this attribute will overwrite the entire default css style, so you should ensure that care is taken when entering a value for this attribute. It is strongly recommended that you re-use the z-index value, or that, at least, the z-index value is higher than that used for the time_limit_warning_message_style attribute (which defaults to 1001).


Set to: top: 10px; left: 35%; width: 30%; height: 60px; padding: 16px; border: 8px solid #555; background-color: black; color: white; z-index: 1010; text-align: center; overflow: auto

QS:Време лимит предупреждение

Time limit warning message display time (time_limit_warning_display_time)


It sets for how long the time_limit_warning_message is displayed before it is removed/hidden from the screen. By default, if the time_limit_warning_message appears, it will remain visible until the countdown timer has completed the countdown. If a value greater than zero is introduced in this field, the message will be hidden after that many seconds.

This setting is applicable only if the general time limit setting is activated. This setting also exists for a second warning message.


time_limit_warning_display_time: 10 = The time limit warning message will disappear 10 seconds after its moment of appearance.

Time limit warning message (time_limit_warning_message)


If set up, it displays the text of the warning message which is displayed for a fixed period of time before a time limit expires. The default text is "Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining." {TIME} is replaced by a formatted description which represents the amount of time left (i.e. "30 seconds", "1 minute or 5 seconds"). This message only appears if the time_limit_warning attribute exists. You can set from the time_limit_warning attribute when the message (time_limit_warning_message) appears.

This question attribute is only applicable if the time limit setting is activated and you set some text in the time limit warning message field. This setting also exists for a second warning message.


Attention: In {TIME} the time limit to answer question will expire.

Time limit warning CSS style (time_limit_warning_style)


It allows (and overrides the default) css styling used to display the time limit warning message. The default style value for this attribute will be used if it does not exist, which is: 'top: 10px; left: 35%; width: 30%; height: 60px; padding: 16px; border: 8px solid #555; background-color: white; z-index: 1001; text-align: center; overflow: auto'.

Any text entered into this attribute will overwrite the entire default css style for the warning message, so you should ensure that care is taken when entering a value for this attribute. It is strongly recommended that you re-use the z-index value, or that, at least, the z-index value be lower than that used for the time_limit_message_style attribute (which defaults to 1002).

This settings is only applicable if the general time limit setting is activated. This setting also exists for a second warning message.


top: 10px; left: 35%; width: 30%; height: 60px; padding: 16px; border: 8px solid #555; background-color: gray; color: white; z-index: 1001; text-align: center; overflow: auto

Категория:Типове въпросиКатегория:Маскирани въпроси