安裝 FAQ
From LimeSurvey Manual
Installation on your computer
LimeSurvey can be installed on your computer with MAMP/XAMPP or any other system. Bear in mind that your computer is not a web server - it's not accessible via web to any other user.
In order to make your survey reachable to other users via the web, you need to either:
- own a server or a web space from a host provider
- or find a LimeSurvey-specialized host provider
Starting installation
一般而言, 安裝程序會自動建立全新的數據庫及資料表結構,但若果您的伺服器/ISP 不給與您管理 MySQL 數據庫的權限去建立資料表,您就需要向伺服器供應商聯絡,確保它們為您建立所需的數據庫. 它們或許會為您建立空白的數據庫,然後讓您有存取的權限 (ie: read/write/create). 輸入數據庫的名稱,並在 config.php 檔案內設定用戶名稱及密碼, 然後就可以執行 admin.php 程序. 安裝過程需要在數據庫逐筆建立所需的資料表。
create database <your_database_name>;
create user <your_database_username>;
create user <your_database_username>@localhost;
set password for <your_database_username> = PASSWORD('<your_database_password>');
set password for <your_database_username>@localhost = PASSWORD('<your_database_password>');
grant all on <your_database_name>.* to '<your_database_username>';
grant all on <your_database_name>.* to '<your_database_username>'@'localhost';
In terminal, <your_database_name>
, <your_database_username>
, and <your_database_password>
have to be replaced with the according/desired values.
/limesurvey/tmp 目錄需要設定 read/write/execute 的使用權限 (chmod 777) - 本目錄存放所有上傳檔案及暫時建立的檔案. 其他全部目錄及檔案可以設定為 read/execute 的使用權限 (chmod 755). 但是 如果您想使用內建的 apache 安全工具 (去建立 htpasswd 及 htaccess 檔案) admin 目錄就需要設定成 read/write/execute (777). admin 目錄裏面的檔案則可以設定成 read/execute (chmod 755).
Blank page when accessing the install page
This problem doesn't occur within the LimeSurvey installation but within the PHP installation.
- Verify you have the MySQL PHP module (php-mysql) installed.
- Verify your PHP install is loading the PHP.ini file your are modifying and not parsing other PHP.INI files on your system.
- Verify the location and permissions of the following setting in your PHP.ini:
- Verify that your server runs a suitable PHP version.
Error messages due to non-existing resources
Sometimes, files are not uploaded correctly or are broken during the upload process. This leads to several different error messages. Most of them refer to a file or function within a file which can't be found.
Solution: Re-upload all files using the binary mode of your FTP programme.
Requirements page
mbstring (Multibyte String Functions) library 是甚麼?
The mbstring library 是 PHP 函數程序庫,可以把字元集轉換語言. 如果你要執行 LimeSurvey.,京可能用得上它。 想檢視一下是否已安裝這個函數程序庫,你可以在網站空間建立一個 test.php 檔案,內容如下︰
然後用瀏覽器打開檔案,你會看到一些信息. 查看字串 'mbstring'. 如果找得到,請繼續. 如果你找不到,可能出於以下的原因︰
If you don't find the mbstring section, you might have a problem on your hands. There are three possible scenarios:
- If it's your host provider's server, ask for the activation of that extension in PHP or for further information on how you can activate it - if you have a good administration panel for your server, you may be able to activate it yourself
- If it's your own Linux server, you may have to re-compile PHP and include the mbstring library. Ask the Linux experts how to do that. However, you can install it using your Linux package manager, which is mostly available in all the Linux distributions nowadays
- If you are using a version of Linux that supports 'yum' (CentOS, RedHat, Fedora)...
- ...use the terminal (as a super user) and type: yum install php-mbstring
- ...make sure to update /etc/php.ini and uncomment the various mbstring params
- ...make sure to restart apache after installing it: /etc/init.d/httpd restart
- If you are using a version of Linux that supports 'yum' (CentOS, RedHat, Fedora)...
- If it's your own Windows server, search for php.ini on your system, open it with an editor, and search for mbstring. Most probably, the line that contains the string is commented out with a semicolon. Remove the semicolon, save and restart your web server
Stuck at checking file system permissions
If SELinux is activated (primarily on CentOS), then you might get an error that the file system permissions are not correct, even if the list of directories is empty. SELinux prevents writing even though the permissions are for example on 777 or 755. To configure SELinux correctly for your server - check out the SELinux documentation.
After database creation
Blank page after database creation
- LimeSurvey is installed correctly and the database was created, but instead of the admin page, you get an empty page
- Web server log shows "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /path/to/limesurvey/admin/login_check.php on line 69"
This is probably related to an incorrect setting for $rooturl
or $rootdir
in config.php. The file config.php attempts to set $rootdir
correctly by calling dirname('''FILE''')
. While this usually works, it can be upset when LimeSurvey is installed in a user's home or public_html directory and the home directory is mounted over NFS. To set up the $rootdir
manually, (your shell or pwd command may show you a path like /disks/hostname/home/username/public_html/limesurvey), try using /home/username/public_html/limesurvey.
When accessing the admin page, the browser keeps running and will eventually fail to show it
- LimeSurvey is installed correctly and the database was created. However, when you access the admin page, the browser keeps running and will eventually fail to show the page
- When you check the web server access log, its size has become quite big (in some cases, more than 2 GB)
- Inside the access log, you get this message filling the log:

This may be caused by the mbstring.func_overload setting. Change the following setting in the php.ini file:
mbstring.func_overload = 0

When accessing the admin page, the browser reports Fatal error: Call to a member function gT() on a non-object in login_check.php on line 76
- LimeSurvey is installed correctly and the database was created. But when redirected to the admin page, the browser displayed the listed error.
are correctly set in config.php.- The disk path name for limesurvey installation directory includes one of the following characters: '(',')' or '+'.
Move/rename the LimeSurvey installation directory so that the path name includes non of the following characters: '(',')' or '+' characters.
After installation
For all the other issues that may occur after a successful installation, please refer to the troubleshooting page.