
Product Surveys

Discover how to improve and innovate your products with LimeSurvey

Looking for feedback on your company’s products? Need to fuel R&D efforts? LimeSurvey can help you gather valuable data, feedback, and insights so that you can innovate and improve your range of products, ensuring they align with customer, as well as market, feedback and expectations.

Improve current products
Guide product development
Enhance overall product satisfaction
There’s no better way to reach your audience

What are product surveys?

Product surveys are powerful market research tools brands use to collect feedback and opinions on existing products as well as gather insights about what customers and its target audience are looking for in new products. These surveys aim to help brands determine where they can improve their offerings, align with customer expectations, and ensure product-market fit.

Advantages of product surveys

Product surveys are crucial for gathering actionable insights that drive product innovation and market alignment.

Product managers can use survey data to better understand customer needs and preferences, guiding product development and innovation.

Brands can use insights from surveys to identify and rectify product issues, improving quality and demonstrating a commitment to customer feedback.

Research and development teams can use survey data to pinpoint opportunities for product innovation, helping the company remain competitive and relevant.

Businesses can test new product concepts with surveys, which can help ensure product-market fit and mitigate the risk of market failure.

Brands can analyze feedback to make informed decisions about product updates, discontinuations, or expansions.

Teams can analyze survey feedback to improve product design in ways that enhance the overall user experience.

Senior leads can apply product feedback to the organization’s strategic planning, ensuring product offerings meet market demands.

Businesses may use survey results to inform their pricing strategies so that they align with customer expectations and are competitive with market standards.

Product feedback can help brands understand customer preferences more deeply, enabling them to tailor sales approaches and highlight product features that will resonate with the target audience.

Marketers can use insights from product surveys to create more targeted and relevant marketing campaigns.

Different types of product surveys
Product surveys are crucial for gathering feedback on various aspects of a product's lifecycle, from development to post-purchase evaluation. These surveys provide insights that can drive product innovation, enhancement, and customer satisfaction. Here are some common types of product surveys

The best product survey questions

- On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you understand the product concept?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how interested are you in this product concept?
- What benefits or features of the product concept did you find most appealing?
- Who do you think is the target audience for this product?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely would you be to purchase this product?

- On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with this product?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to continue using this product?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to repurchase this product?
- What features of the product do you like the most?
- What improvements to the product would you like to see?

- On a scale of 1 to 10, how well does this product meet your expectations?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the quality of this product?
- Do you believe this product is good value for money?
- Would you repurchase this product?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the overall performance of this product?

- What price would you expect to pay for this product?
- What price do you think is too expensive for this product?
- What price would be a bargain or this product?
- Would you switch to a competitor if they offered a similar product at a lower price?
- Do you believe this product at its current price provides good value for money?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how interested are you in trying this new product?
- What benefits or features of this product make you interested in trying it?
- Do you believe this product will improve your daily life?
- Do you believe this product will meet your expectations or needs?
- What might prevent you from purchasing this product?

Primjer predloška ankete o proizvodu

Ova anketa o povratnim informacijama o proizvodu poziva kupce da ocijene svoje iskustvo s proizvodom ili uslugom, mjereći njihovo zadovoljstvo kvalitetom i vrijednošću za novac, te utvrđujući bi li ga preporučili drugima.

Dodatna pitanja istražuju što su kupci voljeli i nisu voljeli, bilo kakvu zbunjenost ili probleme s kojima su se suočili, te njihove prijedloge za poboljšanje.

Oznake predloška

Product survey templates

Tips to improve your product surveys

1. Make the survey’s purpose clear: Let respondents know why you are conducting this survey and how their responses will be used to improve current products or inform future products.

2. Provide confidentiality: Assure survey participants that their answers are confidential and the data is in compliance with GDPR, or other relevant data protection legislation and regulations.

3. Use simple language: Ensure the survey language is free from industry jargon and is easy for anyone to understand.

How can LimeSurvey help with your product surveys?

Quota management
With our surveys for product research, you collect only the data you really need by defining participation quotas and creating representative samples.
Adapt surveys with conditions
Each survey is adaptable according to your requirements. Develop individual scenarios by asking each participant relevant questions at any point in the survey.
Participant management
Invite participants by email directly from LimeSurvey, or send reminders to those who have not yet completed your market research questionnaire.
Data security
Choose where to store your data and guarantee that it is in compliance with the GDPR and other data protection frameworks.
Corporate support
LimeSurvey offers corporate support!

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