
Instructor Evaluations Surveys

Elevate the quality of your education program with LimeSurvey's effective instructor evaluations.

Use our expertly crafted questionnaires and forms to gather constructive feedback from students, faculty, staff or other participants and make data-driven decisions that improve your institution's instruction and promote student success.

Unlimited answers
80+ languages
28+ question types

Instructor Evaluations Survey Templates

How to create effective instructor evaluation surveys?

Instructor evaluations help to assess the effectiveness of teaching methods and the quality of instruction. By collecting feedback from participants or students, instructors can identify areas for improvement and adjust their teaching accordingly. These surveys also help institutions to maintain high standards of education and ensure that participants receive the best possible learning experience.

Include specific questions related to the instructor's teaching style and methods.

Ask for feedback on the instructor's communication skills and responsiveness.

Use a mix of closed and open-ended questions to gather both quantitative and qualitative data.

Consider including a section for anonymous comments to encourage honest feedback.

Clearly communicate the purpose and importance of the evaluation to participants.

Set a clear deadline for completing the evaluation to encourage timely feedback.

Use the feedback collected to make actionable improvements to the instructor's teaching.

Consider conducting evaluations multiple times throughout a course to track progress and improvement.

Share the results of the evaluation with the instructor and relevant stakeholders to encourage transparency and accountability.

Instructor Evaluation Survey Builder

With LimeSurvey's Instructor Evaluation Survey Builder, you can easily create customized surveys tailored to your institution's specific needs, providing valuable insights and feedback that will improve instructor performance, enhance the quality of your education program, and ultimately benefit your students' academic success.

  • Custom number of responses/year
  • Custom upload storage
  • Corporate support
  • Custom number of alias domains
  • Dedicated server
  • So much more…

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Best Instructor Evaluation Questionnaires and Feedback Forms

Discover the best instructor evaluation survey templates from the LimeSurvey Community to improve your education program. Use these forms to gather constructive feedback and make data-driven decisions that enhance the quality of instruction and promote student success.