User contributions for Dusan
26 October 2013
- 09:5309:53, 26 October 2013 diff hist +130 N Translations:Theme editor/269/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div"><span class="en">New label</span><span class="fr">Nouveau label</span></syntaxhighlight>"
- 09:5309:53, 26 October 2013 diff hist +9 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Če imate večjezikovno anketo in bi radi uporabili različne nize za polje "drugo", je to lahko narejeno le za osnovni jezik ankete (dokler ta možnost ni bila dodana v razli..."
- 09:5309:53, 26 October 2013 diff hist +274 N Translations:Theme editor/268/sl Created page with "Če imate večjezikovno anketo in bi radi uporabili različne nize za polje "drugo", je to lahko narejeno le za osnovni jezik ankete (dokler ta možnost ni bila dodana v razli..."
- 09:4909:49, 26 October 2013 diff hist +3 Theme editor/sl Created page with "==Kako rokovati z atributi v večjezikovnih vprašanjih (pred različico 2.0 v kateri so bili dodani)=="
- 09:4909:49, 26 October 2013 diff hist +103 N Translations:Theme editor/267/sl Created page with "==Kako rokovati z atributi v večjezikovnih vprašanjih (pred različico 2.0 v kateri so bili dodani)=="
- 09:4809:48, 26 October 2013 diff hist +10 Theme editor/sl Created page with "To najbrž ne bo delovalo v angleških anketah in se mora razširiti, kadar uporabljate večjezikovne ankete. Vendar je ideja/nasvet, kako se te naloge lotiti."
- 09:4809:48, 26 October 2013 diff hist +159 N Translations:Theme editor/266/sl Created page with "To najbrž ne bo delovalo v angleških anketah in se mora razširiti, kadar uporabljate večjezikovne ankete. Vendar je ideja/nasvet, kako se te naloge lotiti."
- 09:4609:46, 26 October 2013 diff hist +3 Theme editor/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div"> function removeContactAdressFromMessage() { if ($('#tokenmessage').length > 0) { var oldMessage = $('#tokenmessage').html(..."
- 09:4609:46, 26 October 2013 diff hist +374 N Translations:Theme editor/254/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div"> function removeContactAdressFromMessage() { if ($('#tokenmessage').length > 0) { var oldMessage = $('#tokenmessage').html(..."
- 09:4609:46, 26 October 2013 diff hist +2 Theme editor/sl Created page with "in dodajte sledečo funkcijo v vašo datoteko *template.js*"
- 09:4609:46, 26 October 2013 diff hist +59 N Translations:Theme editor/253/sl Created page with "in dodajte sledečo funkcijo v vašo datoteko *template.js*"
- 09:4509:45, 26 October 2013 diff hist +5 Theme editor/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div"> removeContactAdressFromMessage(); //Odstrani kontaktno sporočilo ankete iz sporočil o napakah </syntaxhighlight>"
- 09:4509:45, 26 October 2013 diff hist +157 N Translations:Theme editor/250/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div"> removeContactAdressFromMessage(); //Odstrani kontaktno sporočilo ankete iz sporočil o napakah </syntaxhighlight>"
- 09:4409:44, 26 October 2013 diff hist −20 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Če želite odstraniti kontaktno sporočilo iz sporočil o napakah, bo to zahtevnejša naloga. Lahko dodate sledečo funkcijo '''$(document).ready''' v datoteko '''template.cs..."
- 09:4409:44, 26 October 2013 diff hist +203 N Translations:Theme editor/249/sl Created page with "Če želite odstraniti kontaktno sporočilo iz sporočil o napakah, bo to zahtevnejša naloga. Lahko dodate sledečo funkcijo '''$(document).ready''' v datoteko '''template.cs..."
- 09:4109:41, 26 October 2013 diff hist +23 Theme editor/sl Created page with "==Odstranitev kontaktnega sporočila ankete, ki se pokaže v sporočilih o napakah=="
- 09:4109:41, 26 October 2013 diff hist +84 N Translations:Theme editor/248/sl Created page with "==Odstranitev kontaktnega sporočila ankete, ki se pokaže v sporočilih o napakah=="
- 09:3709:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist +18 N Translations:Theme editor/247/sl Created page with "</syntaxhighlight>"
- 09:3709:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist +2 Theme editor/sl Created page with "$('#surveycontact').hide(); //Skrije kontaktno sporočilo ankete"
- 09:3709:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist +64 N Translations:Theme editor/246/sl Created page with "$('#surveycontact').hide(); //Skrije kontaktno sporočilo ankete"
- 09:3709:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist +42 N Translations:Theme editor/245/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div">"
- 09:3709:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist −3 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Da skrijemo sporočilo "Prosimo obrnite se ..." na začetni strani (s seznamom ankete), lahko dodamo sledečo funkcijo '''$(document).ready''' v datoteko '''template.js''' va..."
- 09:3709:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist +199 N Translations:Theme editor/244/sl Created page with "Da skrijemo sporočilo "Prosimo obrnite se ..." na začetni strani (s seznamom ankete), lahko dodamo sledečo funkcijo '''$(document).ready''' v datoteko '''template.js''' va..."
- 09:3409:34, 26 October 2013 diff hist +13 Theme editor/sl Created page with "==Skrivanje kontaktnega sporočila ankete, ki se pokaže na naslovni strani ankete=="
- 09:3409:34, 26 October 2013 diff hist +84 N Translations:Theme editor/243/sl Created page with "==Skrivanje kontaktnega sporočila ankete, ki se pokaže na naslovni strani ankete=="
- 09:3109:31, 26 October 2013 diff hist −3 Theme editor/sl Created page with "header_separator se uporablja za ločevanje v glavi tabele "td" in "dual_scale_separator" se uporablja za ločevanje v stolpcih pri dvojnih velikostih polj."
- 09:3109:31, 26 October 2013 diff hist +156 N Translations:Theme editor/242/sl Created page with "header_separator se uporablja za ločevanje v glavi tabele "td" in "dual_scale_separator" se uporablja za ločevanje v stolpcih pri dvojnih velikostih polj."
- 09:1909:19, 26 October 2013 diff hist +189 N Translations:Theme editor/235/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div"> table.question thead td.header_separator, table.question tbody td.dual_scale_separator { border-right:solid 1px #00A8E1; } </sy..."
- 09:1909:19, 26 October 2013 diff hist +12 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Za izdelavo navpičnega razmejitvenega roba za dvojne velikosti polja lahko dodate naslednje vrstice v vašo datoteko '''template.css'''."
- 09:1909:19, 26 October 2013 diff hist +137 N Translations:Theme editor/234/sl Created page with "Za izdelavo navpičnega razmejitvenega roba za dvojne velikosti polja lahko dodate naslednje vrstice v vašo datoteko '''template.css'''."
- 09:1809:18, 26 October 2013 diff hist +9 Theme editor/sl Created page with "==Izdelava navpičnega razmejitvenega roba za dvojne velikosti polja=="
- 09:1809:18, 26 October 2013 diff hist +70 N Translations:Theme editor/233/sl Created page with "==Izdelava navpičnega razmejitvenega roba za dvojne velikosti polja=="
- 09:1309:13, 26 October 2013 diff hist +8 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Da '''ne''' spreminjate sodih in lihih strani v (privzeti) predlogi, poiščite vse primere uporabe ''.page-odd'' v datoteki template.css in jih odstranite."
- 09:1309:13, 26 October 2013 diff hist +156 N Translations:Theme editor/232/sl Created page with "Da '''ne''' spreminjate sodih in lihih strani v (privzeti) predlogi, poiščite vse primere uporabe ''.page-odd'' v datoteki template.css in jih odstranite."
- 09:0909:09, 26 October 2013 diff hist +124 N Translations:Theme editor/228/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div"> .page-odd table.question-group { background-color: #D2F2D3; }</syntaxhighlight>"
- 09:0909:09, 26 October 2013 diff hist −2 Theme editor/sl Created page with "primer iz privzete predloge za LimeSurvey 1.91+"
- 09:0909:09, 26 October 2013 diff hist +47 N Translations:Theme editor/227/sl Created page with "primer iz privzete predloge za LimeSurvey 1.91+"
- 09:0909:09, 26 October 2013 diff hist −3 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Če želite, da se spremeni izgled vsake druge strani (sode in lihe strani ankete), lahko uporabite rezred '''.page-odd''' v vaši css datoteki, da spremenite izgled lihih str..."
- 09:0809:08, 26 October 2013 diff hist +191 N Translations:Theme editor/226/sl Created page with "Če želite, da se spremeni izgled vsake druge strani (sode in lihe strani ankete), lahko uporabite rezred '''.page-odd''' v vaši css datoteki, da spremenite izgled lihih str..."
- 09:0709:07, 26 October 2013 diff hist +5 Theme editor/sl Created page with "(''Različica 1.91 in novejše'')"
- 09:0709:07, 26 October 2013 diff hist +33 N Translations:Theme editor/225/sl Created page with "(''Različica 1.91 in novejše'')"
- 09:0609:06, 26 October 2013 diff hist −6 Theme editor/sl Created page with "== Različni prikazi strani ankete/vprašanj=="
- 09:0609:06, 26 October 2013 diff hist +46 N Translations:Theme editor/224/sl Created page with "== Različni prikazi strani ankete/vprašanj=="
- 09:0509:05, 26 October 2013 diff hist +216 N Translations:Theme editor/222/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="html4strict" enclose="div"><link rel="shortcut icon" href="{TEMPLATEURL}favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="icon" href="{TEMPLATEURL}favicon.ic..."
- 09:0509:05, 26 October 2013 diff hist +152 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Privzeta ikona spletne strani je majhna ikona, ki jo vidite v naslovni vrstici brskalnika, na seznamu zaznamkov ali jezičku. Prikažete lahko svojo lastno ikono na naslednji ..."
- 09:0509:05, 26 October 2013 diff hist +513 N Translations:Theme editor/221/sl Created page with "Privzeta ikona spletne strani je majhna ikona, ki jo vidite v naslovni vrstici brskalnika, na seznamu zaznamkov ali jezičku. Prikažete lahko svojo lastno ikono na naslednji ..."
- 08:3708:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist +14 Theme editor/sl Created page with "== Prikaz privzete ikone spletne strani=="
- 08:3708:37, 26 October 2013 diff hist +41 N Translations:Theme editor/220/sl Created page with "== Prikaz privzete ikone spletne strani=="
- 08:3508:35, 26 October 2013 diff hist +92 N Translations:Theme editor/219/sl Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="php" enclose="div">span.questionhelp{display:none;}</syntaxhighlight>"
- 08:3508:35, 26 October 2013 diff hist +9 Theme editor/sl Created page with "Na voljo so tri možnosti za odstranitev privzete pomoči: # kot je hide_tip atribut, vendar za vsa vprašanja in ankete. # odstrani..."