SGQA identifikator
From LimeSurvey Manual
Generel beskrivelse
SGQA (Survey/Group/Question/Answer) identifikatoren er en genvej til svaret på et spørgsmål. Hver undersøgelse, gruppe og spørgsmål, du opretter, får et unikt nummer tildelt i din database. Du kan se dette nummer i administratorgrænsefladen i titlen på undersøgelsen, gruppen og spørgsmålslinjen (se f.eks. kolonnen "spørgsmåls-id" nedenfor)
For at bestemme SGQA-identifikationen skal du sætte undersøgelses-, gruppe- og spørgsmålsnumrene sammen med bogstavet 'X' imellem. F.eks. skal en SGQA se sådan ud: "745X35X5".
Brug editor til at tilføje pladsholder
Den integrerede editor har en funktion til at vælge pladsholderen for et bestemt spørgsmål. Ikonet hedder "Placeringsfelter". Denne funktion viser altid kun spørgsmål fra tidligere undersøgelsessider, så det afhænger af undersøgelsestilstanden.
Identifier for enkeltvalgsspørgsmål
For eksempel: undersøgelsen har ID 1, Gruppen har ID 6, Spørgsmålet har ID 12. Din identifikator for et enkeltvalgsspørgsmål vil se sådan ud:
Identifier for multiple choice-spørgsmål
Da det er et multiple choice-spørgsmål, skal det specifikke svar også identificeres. Du skal blot tilføje koden for det svar uden et X. For eksempel: Undersøgelsen har ID 1, Gruppen har ID 6, Spørgsmålet har ID 12. Det bestemte svar har koden 'ber1'.
Din identifikator for dette svar med flere valgmuligheder vil se sådan ud:
Identifier for Array question types
Since it is a array question, the particular subquestion within the cell must be identified too. Add the subquestion code of the row without an X. For example: Survey has ID 1, Group has ID 6, Question has ID 12. The particular subquestion has code 'ber1'. Your identifier for this "Array" question answer would look like this:
Identifier for Array (Text) or Array (Number) Questions
Since it is a combined array question, the particular answer within the cell must be identified too. Add the subquestion code of the row without an X, then append the underscore char and finally add the subquestion code that indentifies the column. For example: Survey has ID 1, Group has ID 6, Question has ID 12. The particular subquestion has code 'ber1', and the column is identified by the subquestion with code 'lab1'
Your identifier for this "Array (Text)" question answer would look like this:
Uses of the SGQA identifier
The SGQA identifier can be used to load the answers of previously saved questions into the question text of later questions (for a short guide, see the introduction wiki section on questions).
It can also be used in the query URL of a survey to "prefill" answers to a survey. E.g., for SGQA 1X6X121ab1, your query URL could include "&1X6X121ab1=Y" to prefill that answer with a "Y". (See Prefilling survey answers using the survey URL)
The SGQA identifier is also the field name where the data for each question is stored in the database/survey responses table.
Dynamically reference the SGQ identifier
Some people may find a need to reference a question dynamically. For instance, if you would like to hide the input text field of a short text answer. You can now do this (as of SVN build 9755) by using the {SGQ} identifier. LimeSurvey will replace the {SGQ} with the full ID of that question, e.g., 3583X84X249