Nombre de la clase
Tipo de pregunta
.question (Obsolete since 3.0)
Todos los bloques de preguntas
Todos los tipos de preguntas
<p class="question">, <ul class="question">, <table class="question">
.ls-answers (New in 3.0 )
Todos los bloques de preguntas
Todos los tipos de preguntas
<div class="ls-answers ">, <ul class="ls-answers ">, <table class="ls-answers">
Lista de sub-preguntas
Preguntas de opción múltiple, preguntas tipo matriz
<ul class="subquestions-list">, <table class="subquestions-list">
.questions-list también se usa
Lista de respuestas
Preguntas de opción única, preguntas tipo matriz, Preguntas de entrada múltiple de texto
<ul class="answers-list">, <table class="answers-list">
La parte de respuesta: una respuesta
Preguntas de opción única, preguntas tipo matriz, Preguntas de entrada múltiple de texto
<li class="answer-item">, <td class="answer-item">
La parte de respuesta para sin respuesta
Preguntas de opción única, preguntas tipo matriz
<li class="noanswer-item">, <td class="noanswer-item">
No answer is an answer too, then have double class noanswer-item and answer-item
The question part: one question
Multi text question, array question type
<li class="question-item">, <tr class="question-item">
Some answers are questions too. Then we have a lot of class="question-item answer-item"
A list of button
Yes no and Gender question
<ul class="button-list">
The answer part with a button
Yes no and Gender question
<li class="button-item">
A list of checkbox
Multi choice question, array number (checkbox) question type
<ul class="checkbox-list">, <tr class="checkbox-list">
Some question types use multi-list class, like checkbox with comment: class="checkbox-list text-list"
.checkbox-array (New in 3.0 )
A array of checkbox
Array (numbers) with checkbox option
<table class="checkbox-list">
The answer part with a checkbox
Multi choice question, array number (checkbox) question type
<li class="checkbox-item">, <td class="checkbox-item">
A list of radio item
Single choice question, array question type (each row)
<ul class="radio-list">, <tr class="radio-list">
.radio-array (New in 3.0 )
A array of radio item
Array question type
<table class="radio-array">
The answer part with a radio
Single choice question, array question type
<li class="radio-item">, |
A list of text input
Multi text question type, array of text
<ul class="text-list">, <tr class="text-list">
The answer part of a text input
Multi text question type, array of text
<li class="text-item">, |
A list of text input with numeric only answer
Multi numeric question type, array of number
<ul class="text-list numeric-list">, <tr class="text-list numeric-list">
A list of text input with numeric only answer (each row)
Multi numeric question type, array of number
<ul class="text-list numeric-list">, <tr class="text-list numeric-list">
.number-array (New in 3.0 )
The answer part of a numeric input
Array of number
<table class="number-array">
.select-list (Obsolete since 2.50)
A list of select
Array numbers, Dual scale array (select)
<table class="select-list">
.dropdown-list (New in 2.50 )
A list of select
Array numbers, Dual scale array (select) (each row)
<table class="dropdown-list">
.dropdown-array (New in 3.0 )
A array of dropdown
Array numbers, Dual scale array (select)
<table class="dropdown-array">
.select-item (Obsolete since 2.50)
The answer part of a select
Array numbers, Dual scale array (select), single choice with select
<p class="select-item">, <td class="select-item">
.dropdown-item (New in 2.50 )
The answer part of a select
Array numbers, Dual scale array (select), single choice with select
<p class="dropdown-item">, <td class="dropdown-item">
.hide (Obsolete since 3.0)
Used for accessibility: hidden with css but read by screenreader, since 2.50 : you can use sr-only from bootstrap
Short text question
<label class="hide">
Can be used for other purposes
.ls-js-hidden (New in 3.0 )
Used for part to be hidden if javascript is activated
Button for example
<div class="ls-js-hidden">
LimeSurvey core used it, but you can use it too in your template
.ls-js-hidden-sr (New in 3.0 )
Used for accessibility: hide it if js is activated, but always show if user use a screenreader
Button for example
<a class="ls-js-hidden-sr">
.ls-no-js-hidden (New in 3.0 )
Used for part to be hidden if javascript is not activated
<a class="ls-no-js-hidden">
LimeSurvey core used it for inactive link if javascript is not activated
.ls-label-xs-visibility (New in 3.0 )
Label to be hidden in big screen, but show with little screen (with no more table) and to screenreader
<label class="ls-no-js-hidden">
Used for label inside table cell of array question type
.ls-input-group-extra (New in 3.0 )
Same usage of boostrap input-group-addon, but without the border and the background.
right suffix
<div class="ls-input-group-extra">
Used for right and left suffix (global)
.checkbox (Obsolete since 3.0)
Question with checkbox
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox">
Con navegadores modernos no es necesario, pero algunos navegadores antiguos lo necesitan
.radio (Obsolete since 3.0)
Pregunta con selección
<input type="radio" class="radio">
With modern browser: not needed, but some old browser need this
Pregunta con texto de entrada o área de texto
<textarea class="text">
Tipo de pregunta de matriz
Parte de respuestas de las preguntas tipo matriz
<th class="answertext">
Tipo de pregunta de matriz
Columna de respuestas
<col class="col-answers">
.odd .even (Obsolete since 2.50)
Tipo de pregunta de matriz
Alternancia por columna
<col class="odd">
.array1 .array2 (Obsolete since 3.0)
Tipo de pregunta de matriz
Alternancia por línea
<tr class="array1">
.ls-odd .ls-even (New in 3.0 )
Tipo de pregunta de matriz
Alternancia para sub-pregunta y eje Y
<tr class="ls-odd">