Translations:Survey participants/145/en
From LimeSurvey Manual
- Display participants: Displays a survey participants table with all the current participants. From the browse screen you can edit or delete individual entries from the table as well as perform a number of other useful functions (see the Display participants wiki section below for more details);
- Create...: Allows the survey administrator to add respondents into the survey participants table either via the Add participant option or via the Import participants function;
- Manage attributes: Allows the survey administrator to add additional fields to the survey participants table to store custom participant data;
- Export: To export the token tables and use them in other surveys, use this function. The file will be saved in the .CSV format;
- Survey participants: Allows you to invite or remind your participants from the survey participants table to fill out your online survey;
- Generate tokens: Allows the survey administrator to quickly allocate a random unique token code to each user from the survey participants table that does not have one;
- View in CPDB: Provides quick access to your LimeSurvey installation central participant database (CPDB). From there you can allocate CPDB users as survey participants to any survey.