
Principaux chapitres

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud ou LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Guide de démarrage rapide
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Installation
  4. Comment concevoir une bonne enquête (Guide)
  5. Commencer
  6. Configuration de LimeSurvey
  7. Introduction - Enquêtes
  8. Afficher les paramètres de l'enquête
  9. Afficher le menu de l'enquête
  10. Afficher la structure de l'enquête
  11. Présentation - Questions
  12. Introduction - Groupes de questions
  13. Introduction - Enquêtes - Gestion
  14. Options de la barre d'outils de l'enquête
  15. Enquête multilingue
  16. Guide de démarrage rapide - ExpressionScript
  17. Fonctionnalités avancées
  18. FAQ générale
  19. Dépannage
  20. Solutions de contournement
  21. Licence
  22. Journal des changements de version
  23. Plugins - Avancé


Translations:Question type - Numerical input/18/fr

From LimeSurvey Manual

Input box width (text_input_width)


This attribute sets the width of the text input boxes (of the "wrapper" of the text input boxes). The input box is used to introduce an answer to the (sub)question. If the value of the width is sufficiently high, then the text input box will be displayed on the next line. Please note that this option does not set the size of the input or the width of the entire column!

Available options

  • Default: If selected, a default value will be allocated to this attribute in such a way to have both the label and its corresponding text input box on the same line. For example, if the text input box width is 41%, the value of the width of the text input box will be a value that allows both the label and the input box on the same line (58% in this case). If the width of text input box was higher than 58%, then the text input box would be displayed on the next line.
  • 8%; 17%...92%, 100%: the bigger the selected value, the larger the width of the text input box.


  • If you wish to have the input part displayed below the subquestion/label, select the 100% option from the dropdown list.