

Translations:Question type - Multiple choice/14/bg

From LimeSurvey Manual

Label for 'Other:' option (other_replace_text)


Short text string to replace the text "Other" as label for the "other" option.

Note: You can make use of this attribute if you have previously enabled the "other" option located under the general options tab.


Entering a value of "Alternative:" for this attribute would result in the word "Alternative:" being used instead of "Other".

  Issue in LimeSurvey 4.X : It is extremely important to note that this question attribute should only be used in single-language surveys. A translation will be attempted but will only be successful if the translation already exists in the alternate language file (i.e.: translation cannot be made on a survey-by-survey basis). Therefore, to translate your other text, you have to add your other_replace_text to the english .mo file (because this is LimeSurveys baselanguage) and translate this String in each of your surveys languages .mo files.

Position for 'Other:' option (other_position)


Indicates where the 'Other' option should be placed in the answer list, in relation to the answer options.

Note: You can make use of this attribute if you have previously enabled the "other" option located under the general options tab.


  • Before No Answer: The 'Other' option shall be placed in the answer list before the 'No Answer' answer option.
  • At End: The 'Other' option shall be place at the end of the answer list.
  • After specific answer option: The 'Other' option shall be placed in the answer list after a specific answer options which shall be set in the attribute Answer code for 'After specific answer option'.