Translations:Manage users/60/en
From LimeSurvey Manual
Things to watch out for:
- To enable this login method, the line
'use_one_time_passwords' => true
has to be added in config.php (it is 'false' by default). - The passed username has to exist in the LimeSurvey users table.
- The one-time password (which can be set via an external application) has to be stored as MD5 hash in the column one_time_pw of table users.
- The passed plain text password will be hashed using the sha256 function and will then compared to the stored hash in column one_time_pw of table users. Both passwords have to match.
- After the first login with the one-time password, it gets deleted from the database. The user won't be able to log in with that respective password a second time.