Important: If you are using Postgres make sure your user is also the database owner.
- $databasepass: Your database server password
- $dbprefix: You can leave this setting blank (ie: $dbprefix="";) if you are using a separate database for LimeSurvey alone. If you want to share a database between LimeSurvey and other database applications, add a prefix to this setting. The recommended prefix is "lime_", but really - this is up to you. Note: Creating a database and a username in MySQL with command line is described in Installation FAQ.
- $rooturl: This should be set to the URL location of your LimeSurvey scripts. If you copied the LimeSurvey files into the folder limesurveyfolder you have to rename {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/limesurvey to the folder name you have chosen ({$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}limesurveyfolder). The variable {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']} will attempt to do determine your domain name atomatically, so usually don't change it. If it doesn't work, set this to full server URL. (Example ""). If you want LimeSurvey to only use SSL change http to https (provided that you have SSL certificates correctly installed and configured on your server). If you want to use http & https at the same time just leave this setting at http.
- $rootdir: Usually you don't need to change this. It should be set to the physical disk location of your scripts. The default setting will attempt to do this for you, so most probably you won't need to change anything here (the section "dirname('''FILE''');" tries to do this automatically). If it doesn't work, type the disk location in manually - for example /home/public_html/limesurvey.
- $defaultuser: When the script has access control turned on this is the default user that is created when LimeSurvey first sets up your security settings.
- $defaultpass: When the script has access control turned on this is the default password that is created when LimeSurvey first sets up your security settings.