

Translations:Display/Export survey/35/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

  • Survey structure (.lss): .lss exports the structure of the whole survey (groups, questions, subquestions, answers, and conditions) into a XML file.
  • Survey archive (.lsa): This option is used when you wish to create a complete backup of your survey, including the already-stored responses.
  • queXML format (*.xml): The *.xml option is used if you wish to have your respondents fill in your survey offline. If selected, please note that not all the question exports can be exported. A .zip file can be downloaded if clicked. The files within it can be used to create a PDF to be printed for your offline respondents.
  • queXML PDF export: This is similar to the option described above. The only difference is that LimeSurvey helps you create the PDF within the software, easing the process of PDF creation.
  • Tab-separated-values format (*.txt): This option is used when authors want to perform bulk editing of their surveys - useful especially if we discuss about large surveys. In a spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice, actions such as find-replace, bulk-reordering, looping, and testing are faster.
  • Printable survey (*.html): To create a HTML-based survey, click on this option. A .zip file can be downloaded that will contain all the stylesheets necessary to put the survey on any HTML-ready devices or browsers.
  • Printable survey: If this option is selected, LimeSurvey automatically prepares the HTML-based version of your survey - useful to quickly print your survey.