Kérdés típusa – Nem
From LimeSurvey Manual
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Ez a kérdéstípus nemi információkat gyűjt ("Férfi" vagy "Nő") a válaszadóktól.

Példa: Gender question type.zip

Általános opciók
Condition (previously "Relevance equation")
If the result value of the condition is "1" or "true", the question is "relevant" in the survey context, i.e. it is shown to the survey participant. If not, the question is hidden. Any survey question allows you to specify a relevance equation. This function is the successor of conditions and supports much more complex conditional logic.
Syntax Highlighting
Whenever you save the condition, it is evaluated and syntax-highlighted. Any errors will be color coded so that you can quickly detect and fix them.

Valid values
- Any condition that makes use of the ExpressionScript syntax, without surrounding curly braces.
Here are good examples of syntax highlighting.
Display type (display_type)
Select the desired option according to the way in which you wish to have the gender options displayed in the survey.
Available options
- Button group (default)
- Radio list
Hide tip (hide_tip)
Most questions will usually include a tip that says "Please choose one of the following options" or a hint text on how to fill out the question. This attribute allows you to turn off or on this tips/hints.
These tips/hints include validation criteria messages (such as min/max number of answers, min/max/equals sum value). If hide_tip is enabled, these messages will be hidden. However, if the user enters invalid data, the tips will appear. They will be coloured in red, getting changed to green once the validation criteria are met.
Available options
- On - the tips/hints are hidden;
- Off (default).
Question theme (question_theme)
It allows you to use customized themes for the respective question.
Available options
- Your created question themes which are located under the Question themes in the Themes panel.
See: Question themes
CSS class (css_class)
If you want to add special CSS classes to certain questions, you can enter the CSS class name(s) in this box. Make sure you leave an empty space between different class names.
Valid values
- Any text string with a space between different CSS class names.

Relevance help for printable survey (printable_survey_relevance_help)
If you wish to print a survey, you can also print the relevance equations for each question. But, if you wish to offer instead an explanation rather than the expression on the printed form, fill in this box with the text explanation for the relevance equation.
Valid values
- Any text and/or numbers you wish to be displayed on the printable form.
Insert page break in printable view (page_break)
This attribute is only active when you actually print a survey from the Printable View. It forces a page break before the question.
Available options
- On
- Off (default)
SPSS export scale type (scale_export)
This is used for SPSS export only. This attribute overrides the default scale guessed by SPSS. To learn what the different measurement scales do, please read the related SPSS documentation.
Available options
- Default (default)
- Nominal
- Ordinal
- Scale
Display chart (display_chart)
This attribute allows the survey administrator to choose if a chart that contains the question results should be displayed to the survey participants after they filled out the survey.

- public statistics survey setting from the presentation & navigation settings
- show graphs survey setting from the presentation & navigation settings
- public statistics question attribute, and
- display chart question attribute.
Available options
- On
- Off (default)
Chart type (chart_type)
This attribute allows the survey administrator to choose which type of chart will be displayed to the respondent once he/she finished filling out the survey.

Available options
- Bar chart
- Pie chart
- Radar
- Line
- PolarArea
- Doughnut