
Tipologia di domanda - Array

From LimeSurvey Manual

This page is a translated version of the page Question type - Array and the translation is 100% complete.

Breve descrizione

Un array ti permette di creare un insieme di sottodomande. Ognuno di loro utilizza lo stesso insieme di opzioni di risposta. Ad esempio, puoi utilizzare questo tipo di domanda quando hai bisogno di feedback su diversi aspetti di un particolare prodotto.

Tutorial video

Per capire come funzionano le domande di tipo array, guarda il seguente video tutorial.

Descrizione generale

Nell'esempio seguente, il tipo di domanda matrice viene utilizzato per valutare quattro film di fantascienza:

Esempio: Tipo di domanda - Array using flexible

Un'ulteriore opzione disponibile è il Differenziale semantico. Devi scegliere Array o Array (scelta a 5 punti) come tipo di domanda per separare la risposta utilizzando un carattere pipe "|" - quale risposta dovrebbe essere sul lato sinistro e quale sul lato destro dell'array. Ad esempio, se vuoi avere "Buono" sul lato sinistro della riga e "Cattivo" sul lato destro della riga, scrivi semplicemente "Buono|Cattivo" nel campo della risposta:

Esempio: Tipo di domanda - Array - Tipo di domanda differenziale

Suggerimento: Se utilizzi Windows e non sai dove si trova il Pipe Char sulla tastiera, puoi inserirlo tenendo premuto il tasto Alt, inserendo 124 e rilasciando il tasto Alt.

Opzioni generali




(Sub)question width (subquestion_width)


This value sets the subquestion column width by using a percentage system. For example, if you set this to value 60, then 60 percent of the question width will be used for the subquestion text (the most left column). The remaining width will be equally divided between the answer options.

Valid values

  • Any integer value from 1 to 100.

QS:Ordine casuale

Repeat headers (repeat_headers)


This option can be used if you add to a question a high number of subquestions. If this is the case, use this option in order to tell LimeSurvey after how many subquestions should the headers be repeated.

Valid values

  • Any integer values;
  • The default value is 0 - the repeat headers function is deactivated.

Question theme (question_theme)


It allows you to use customized themes for the respective question.

Available options

  • Your created question themes which are located under the Question themes in the Themes panel.

See: Question themes

Note: This feature is under development at the moment.

Hide tip (hide_tip)


Most questions will usually include a tip that says "Please choose one of the following options" or a hint text on how to fill out the question. This attribute allows you to turn off or on this tips/hints.

These tips/hints include validation criteria messages (such as min/max number of answers, min/max/equals sum value). If hide_tip is enabled, these messages will be hidden. However, if the user enters invalid data, the tips will appear. They will be coloured in red, getting changed to green once the validation criteria are met.

Available options

  • On - the tips/hints are hidden;
  • Off (default).


QS:Classe CSS

Use dropdown boxes (use_dropdown)


If this function is enabled, the answer options layout will use dropdown boxes instead of radio buttons.

Available options

  • On - dropdown boxes are used.
  • Off (default) - radio buttons are used.

Relevance help for printable survey (printable_survey_relevance_help)


If you wish to print a survey, you can also print the relevance equations for each question. But, if you wish to offer instead an explanation rather than the expression on the printed form, fill in this box with the text explanation for the relevance equation.

Valid values

  • Any text and/or numbers you wish to be displayed on the printable form.


QS:Min risposte

QS:Max risposte

Array filter (array_filter)


The Array filter setting allows you to use any multiple choice question to select or set which responses are displayed in a subsequent list, array or multiple choice question.

The subsequent questions can be filtered on any array question type, including:
  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice with comments
  • Multiple short text
  • Multiple numeric
  • Array (5 point, 10 point, Yes/No/Unknown, Increase/Same/Decrease, Column)
  • Array (Dual Scale, Text, Numbers)
  • Ranking

Furthermore, each of these question types can be filtered.

The only exception is Array (Column), which can filter other questions, but not itself.

How to set a filter

To set a filter, enter the question code of a multiple options question in the array filter box of the question you are currently editing. The respective question will be used as the source of information for the current question, the selected answers from the previous question being retrieved and used as answer options for the current question. For example, if your source multiple option question code is "Q1", enter "Q1" into the 'Array Filter' box to start the filtering process of the answers. Only the answer options that are selected in question Q1 will be visible in the array_filter-ed question.

If you wish more questions to be filtered via this option, type the question codes in the box separated by semicolons (;).
  The subquestion codes used in the first question must coincide with the subquestion codes from the second one. Otherwise, the array filter function will not filter the answers to the first question. Note: When you want to filter the "other" answer option from the first question, you need to provide a subquestion for this answer in the second question and the subquestion code for this answer needs to be "other". Check the below example to better understand how the whole system works.

If multiple choice allow other setting: you can choose other for subquestion code and filter with other checked or not.


The selected options can be displayed in cascade. This means that you can select a question which filters another question, which filters another question, and so on.

Array filter example

Let's take a look at the following example to better understand the power of this setting:

In the screenshot from above, we got two questions. The first one is a multiple short text question type, while the second one is an array dual scale question type. The answers you provide in the first question will be listed in the second one. Technically, the answers you provide to the subquestions from the first question are filtered and displayed in the second question.

This example can be downloaded from the following link: limesurvey_group_32.lsg. Import this question group into your LimeSurvey installation.

Array filter style (array_filter_style)


This function allows you to choose how the array filtered subquestions are displayed. They can either be "hidden" or "disabled".

To learn how to filter subquestions, please read the following wiki section.

Available options

  • Hidden (default) - if this option is selected, then the previously selected subquestions will not be displayed in the second question.
  • Disabled - if this option is selected, then the previously selected subquestions will be greyed out and become unselectable.


If you wish to use the "disabled" option, then the previously selected subquestions will be displayed like this:

Array exclusion filter (array_filter_exclude)


The Array filter exclusion setting allows you to use any multiple choice question to select or set which responses are NOT displayed in a subsequent list, array or multiple choice question.

The subsequent questions can be filtered on any array question type, including:
  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice with comments
  • Multiple short text
  • Multiple numeric
  • Array (5 point, 10 point, Yes/No/Unknown, Increase/Same/Decrease, By column)
  • Array (Dual Scale, Text, Numbers)
  • Ranking

Furthermore, each of these types of questions can filtered.

The only exception is Array by column which can filter other questions, but it cannot be filtered.

How to set it up

Enter the question code of a multiple options question in the array exclusion filter box of the question you are currently editing. The respective question will be used as the source of information for the current question, the non-selected answers from the previous question being retrieved and used as answer options for the current question. For example, if your source multiple option question code is "Q1", enter "Q1" into the 'Array exclusion filter' box to start the filtering process of the answers. Only the answer options that are NOT selected in question Q1 will be visible in your question.

If you wish more questions to be filtered via this option, type the question codes in the box separated by semicolons (;).
  The subquestion codes used in the first question must coincide with the subquestion codes from the second one. Otherwise, the array exclusion filter function will not filter the answers to the first question. Check the below example to better understand how the whole system works.


The selected options can be displayed in cascade. This means that you can select a question which filters another question, which filters another question, and so on.


Let's see together the below example:

In the screenshot from above, we got two questions. The first one is a multiple choice question type, while the second one is a multiple choice with comments question type. The answers you provide in the first question will be excluded from the second one. For example, if you select the ComfortUpdate option (that has the subquestion code 'SQ1') and the Plugin option ('SQ4'), the 'SQ1' and the 'SQ4' subquestion correspondents from the second question will be excluded. In our screenshot, we can observe that only the unselected options in the first question and displayed in the second one.

This example can be downloaded from the following link: Import this question group into your LimeSurvey installation.

QS:Opzione esclusiva

Randomization group name (random_group)


It places the questions into a specified randomization group, all questions included in the specified group being displayed in a random order to the survey respondents.

You can find a sample survey using randomization group name in ExpressionScript sample survey.

Valid values

Just enter any string you like (for example: 'group1'). All question which have set the same string within the randomization group name box will have their place in the survey randomized (=randomly exchanged among each other).

Preview To preview the questions use the preview survey instead of the preview question group function, as the second has been reported to not show the questions in a randomized order.

Question validation equation (em_validation_q)


This is an equation that is used to validate the entire question (e.g, all of its parts collectively for a multi-answer question). If the question fails the validation criteria, then em_validation_q_tip message will be displayed (it uses the CSS style .error). This tip uses the .em_q_fn_validation CSS style, which is hidden by default within template.css.

The main difference between this feature and the subquestion validation equations (em_validation_sq option) is that for this feature, if the question (or question parts) fail validation, then an error message could be shown. For the subquestion validation, each text entry cell (e.g., in an array question type, but it can also be applied to single entry question types) will be styled so that the background color is (light) red.

Valid values

  • Any equation that makes use of the ExpressionScript syntax, without surrounding curly braces.


  • You want to collect demographic information from users via a multiple short text question, and you want to validate that the user has entered a valid email address and phone number.

This example shows how the question looks with invalid answers:

And here is what it looks like with one invalid answer:

Here is how you edit a question to enter that information:

And here is part of the Show Logic File output that lets you check the accuracy of your expression and ensure that there are no syntax errors:

As you can see, the validation equation tests that both the email and phone number are either empty or match a regular expression filter.

The validation tip only shows the warning message if the phone or email appears invalid.

 Hint: In order to create complex validation messages, read about the usage of the ExpressionScript.

If you wish to import the example from above into your LimeSurvey installation, download the following .lsq file:

 Hint: Remember, LimeSuvey uses the Perl syntax for regular expressions, so they should start and end with / (slash character)!

Tip for whole question validation equation (em_validation_q_tip)


If you are using the question validation equation, you can use this box in order to display an optional message as question tip on how the question has to be filled out.

Valid values


See the example from the question validation equation wiki section- it shows how the tip can be tailored to show which parts of a multiple short text question fail the validation criteria.


QS:Pagina interruzione

SPSS export scale type (scale_export)


This is used for SPSS export only. This attribute overrides the default scale guessed by SPSS. To learn what the different measurement scales do, please read the related SPSS documentation.

Available options

  • Default (default)
  • Nominal
  • Ordinal
  • Scale


Show in public statistics (public_statistics)


This attribute allows the survey administrator to chose if a particular question results should be displayed to the survey participants after they submitted the survey.

Note: To have the statistics displayed on the last page, do not forget to enable this functionality from the presentation & navigation settings. Otherwise, no statistics link will be displayed at the end of your survey.

The default setting for each question is 'Off' (=Do not show the question statistics to the respondents). You have to enable this for every single question if you want to show the survey statistics of that (those) particular question(s) to the survey participants after the survey submission.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

Display chart (display_chart)


This attribute allows the survey administrator to choose if a chart that contains the question results should be displayed to the survey participants after they filled out the survey.

Note: To have the chart displayed on the last page, you have to enable the following options:

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

QS:Tipo grafico

Categoria:Tipi di domandeCategoria:Array