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Loại câu hỏi - lựa chọn 5 điểm

From LimeSurvey Manual

This page is a translated version of the page Question type - 5 point choice and the translation is 100% complete.

Mô tả ngắn

Câu hỏi này hiển thị thang đo theo chiều ngang từ 1 đến 5, từ đó người tham gia khảo sát có thể chọn một tùy chọn trả lời duy nhất.

Ví dụ: Single choice question example.zip

Tùy chọn chung

QS:Bắt buộc

QS:Mức độ liên quan

Hiển thị

QS:Slider rated

QS:Ẩn tip

QS:Chủ đề câu hỏi


Relevance help for printable survey (printable_survey_relevance_help)


If you wish to print a survey, you can also print the relevance equations for each question. But, if you wish to offer instead an explanation rather than the expression on the printed form, fill in this box with the text explanation for the relevance equation.

Valid values

  • Any text and/or numbers you wish to be displayed on the printable form.


Lý luận

Randomization group name (random_group)


It places the questions into a specified randomization group, all questions included in the specified group being displayed in a random order to the survey respondents.

You can find a sample survey using randomization group name in ExpressionScript sample survey.

Valid values

Just enter any string you like (for example: 'group1'). All question which have set the same string within the randomization group name box will have their place in the survey randomized (=randomly exchanged among each other).

Preview To preview the questions use the preview survey instead of the preview question group function, as the second has been reported to not show the questions in a randomized order.


QS:Ngắt trang

Thống kê

Show in public statistics (public_statistics)


This attribute allows the survey administrator to chose if a particular question results should be displayed to the survey participants after they submitted the survey.

Note: To have the statistics displayed on the last page, do not forget to enable this functionality from the presentation & navigation settings. Otherwise, no statistics link will be displayed at the end of your survey.

The default setting for each question is 'Off' (=Do not show the question statistics to the respondents). You have to enable this for every single question if you want to show the survey statistics of that (those) particular question(s) to the survey participants after the survey submission.

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

Display chart (display_chart)


This attribute allows the survey administrator to choose if a chart that contains the question results should be displayed to the survey participants after they filled out the survey.

Note: To have the chart displayed on the last page, you have to enable the following options:

Available options

  • On
  • Off (default)

Chart type (chart_type)


This attribute allows the survey administrator to choose which type of chart will be displayed to the respondent once he/she finished filling out the survey.

Note: Do not forget to change the question and survey settings in order to have the charts displayed at the end on the survey. For more details, check the wiki section on the display chart question attribute.

Available options

  • Bar chart
  • Pie chart
  • Radar
  • Line
  • PolarArea
  • Doughnut

Danh mục:Loại câu hỏiDanh mục:Câu hỏi một lựa chọn