
Main chapters

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud vs LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Quick start guide
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Installation
  4. How to design a good survey (Guide)
  5. Getting started
  6. LimeSurvey configuration
  7. Introduction - Surveys
  8. View survey settings
  9. View survey menu
  10. View survey structure
  11. Introduction - Questions
  12. Introduction - Question Groups
  13. Introduction - Surveys - Management
  14. Survey toolbar options
  15. Multilingual survey
  16. Quick start guide - ExpressionScript
  17. Advanced features
  18. General FAQ
  19. Troubleshooting
  20. Workarounds
  21. License
  22. Version change log
  23. Plugins - Advanced

Menu entries configuration

From LimeSurvey Manual

  Under construction

The wiki is incomplete. More details have to be provided. If you would like to, you can contribute to this wiki.


To access the Menu entries table, click Configuration and then Menu entries configuration.

Menu Entries Configuration.png

This function allows you to create, edit or delete menu entries. To be visible/displayed, these entries have to be added into a menu.

Menu entries configuration

The following actions are available:

Create a menu entry

To create a new menu entry, click the + New button located on the top-left side of the window. The following menu options will be displayed:

  • Menu: Select the menu where the new entry will be located (read our wiki on how to create menus here);
  • Name: Type in the name of the menu entry;
  • Title: The title of the respective entry which will be displayed in the menu or under certain tabs (e.g., under the survey settings tab)
  • Ordering: If more menu entries are added to a menu, use this function to order them.
  • Menu title:On a tab or a menu entry, the menu title will be displayed on the first line. For example, if you click Overview, located under the Survey settings tab, the overview panel will be displayed with the (menu) title: Survey overview
  • Menu name: Displayed when you hover the mouse over the respective entry. For example, if you hover the mouse over Theme options, the following message will show up: Edit theme options for this survey.
  • Menu icon: All the used icons are fontawesome icons by default. To find other available icons, check the following link. Introduce in the box the string located after "fa fa-". E.g., for a floppy disk, we have "fa fa-floppy-o". To use it as an icon for a menu entry, type in this box only "floppy-o".
  • Menu icon types: It depends on the ones used within your current theme. For further details, check the following wiki section.
  • Menu class:
  • Menu link: Link the menu entry to the URL of that function
  • Permission:
  • Permission grade:
See the last section of this page for information on advanced options.

Edit menu entry

To change the details of an already existing menu entry, click the green button located in the Action column. The respective menu will get selected and you can do the edits.

Delete menu entry

To delete a menu entry, click the red trash button that corresponds to that respective menu entry (located in the Action column).

Reorder menu entries

The ordering process takes first into account the menu an entry belongs to, and then it orders the entries according to the value from the order field. Once you change these values, click the reorder button to get the entries rearranged in the table.

Reset menu entries to the default values

To reset all the values of the survey menu entries to their default values, click the reset button located in the upper right part of the screen. A message will be displayed asking you to confirm the action. Please note that once you confirm the action, all the custom menu entries will be lost.

  Attention : Please note that in order to backup your survey menu entries configuration, create a LimeSurvey database backup. A separate option will be introduced in the near future to facilitate only the backup of the survey menus.


Add a new menu entry to the default survey menu

This example demonstrates how to add a Label sets menu entry to the default survey menu.

First, click the + New button located on the top left side of the screen and start completing the fields:

  • Menu: Select from the dropdown list the menu you wish to add to the menu entry.
  • Name: labelsets.
  • Order: 20.
  • Menu title: Label sets.
  • Menu name: "Click here to edit the available sets."
  • Menu icon: Check out the following link to find the right icon for the new menu entry. In the screenshot from above, I used "fa fa-battery-three-quarters".
  • Menu icon type: Select from the dropdown box the "Fontawesome icon" option.
  • Menu link: Find the URL of the option you wish to link the entry to, and copy everything after the website name (admin/labels/sa/view in our case):

Click the create button to verify that the new survey menu entry was added:

Check the survey menu to verify that the survey menu entry is functional:

  Attention : Do not forget to check the LimeSurvey installation permissions to see which users can access and edit label sets. For more details, check the following wiki section.

Advanced options - menu entries

When creating or editing a menu entry, you may find in the lower right part of the dialog the Toggle advanced options button. The following extra fields will be shown once you click it:

  • Action
  • Template
  • Partial
  • Classes
  • Data
  • Get data method
  • Language

Once the edits are done, do not forget to click Save.