
Main chapters

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud vs LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Quick start guide
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Installation
  4. How to design a good survey (Guide)
  5. Getting started
  6. LimeSurvey configuration
  7. Introduction - Surveys
  8. View survey settings
  9. View survey menu
  10. View survey structure
  11. Introduction - Questions
  12. Introduction - Question Groups
  13. Introduction - Surveys - Management
  14. Survey toolbar options
  15. Multilingual survey
  16. Quick start guide - ExpressionScript
  17. Advanced features
  18. General FAQ
  19. Troubleshooting
  20. Workarounds
  21. License
  22. Version change log
  23. Plugins - Advanced

LimeSurvey GSoC 2009

From LimeSurvey Manual


Google Summer of Code 2009

Esse ano o LimeSurvey está hospedando três estudantes do Google Summer of Code.

Google Summer of Code 2009 - Wrapup

Mac Duy Hai (macduy)- GSOC09 dashboard project

Title:Painel do LimeSurvey2 para Administratores

Resumo: O alvo do projeto é criar um painel personalizado baseado em widget para administradores do LimeSurvey2, permitindo-os ter uma visão geral de qualquer informação dentro do LimeSurvey2. Os widgets, dos quais o painel personalizado é construído a partir, serão customizáveis, interativos, reutilizáveis e terão um design consistente (ver mockup: http://www.flickr.com/photos/macduy/3401513176/)

Dao Quang Minh (dqminh)- GSOC09 statistics project

Title: Módulo de Estatísticas de Pesquisa

Resumo: LimeSurvey é uma ferramenta para coleção de dados e não uma ferramenta para análise de dados. Uma visão geral é muito útil para usuários que não querem usar ferramentas caras para avaliar dados.

  • Extenda o plugins do tipo da questão para que possam mostrar métodos para computar um sumário de resultado
  • Crie um gerador de relatório para que os usuários possam colocar suas próprios relatórios com os próprios gráficos ou permitir que um utilitário o faça
  • Estabeleça o filtro de propriedades para que o usuário possa filtar resultados em um certo escopo

LimeSurvey Summer of Code (Projetos Associados Google Summer of Code)

Os seguintes estudantes estão completando seus propósitos apesar de formalmente não ser parte do projeto Google Summer of Code project. Em todas as aspectos, eles estão trabalhando nas mesmas orientações e regras. LimeSurvey recebe-os e os parabeniza.

Hongliang Lv (honglianglv) - LSOC09Web Service Project

Title: Criar um serviço de interface web

Resumo: Nós gostamos de ter serviços de interface web no LimeSurvey 2. Isso é muito útil se você quer conectar outros programas com o LimeSurvey. Especialmente se eles não são escritos em PHP. Se a interface pode suportar mensagens REST além de SOAP. A interface pode ser mais largamente aceita por outros desenvolvedores e potenciais usuários. E os Resultados API podem ser pensados também como um serviço web!

Informação Geral

Google tem continuamente apoiado projetos de código aberto e estudantes desde 2005 pensando através do Google Summer of Code Programs. GSoC 2009 foi anunciado e está no ar!

LimeSurvey is excited about our participation in the program and have been accepted as mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2009. We'll give students an excellent environment and platform to learn and most importantly to have fun (:lol:)!

The LimeSurvey community, at the same time, will benefit by students' participation and fresh eyes and ideas.

Google Summer of Code Program Information

Google Summer of Code is a great program both for Open Source organizations like LimeSurvey as well as students because it gives a platform where several tasks on Open Source Projects are done by students and students in return get paid by Google.

There's a lot more information available in Google's Summer of Code FAQ and Knowledge Base. You can also join #gsoc on irc.freenode.net to get feedback or ask questions about Google Summer of Code in real time.

LimeSurvey Specific Information

Welcome to the LimeSurvey Community (:biggrin:). LimeSurvey is an open source survey engine that allows people to create and deploy surveys (from marketing to academic to engineering applications). LimeSurvey is written in PHP and used by many high profile organizations including Ubuntu Server Team, GNOME Foundation and Office of the Austrian Vorarlberg State Government

LimeSurvey is loved and used by many Universities, Students, Medical Institutes, non-profit organisations, marketing companies and more around the world. In the 2004 U.S. presidential election, the Verified Voting Foundation used PHPSurveyor (as LimeSurvey was then known) to gather data about voting irregularities. Sourceforge provide LimeSurvey as a free application for open source projects. LimeSurvey keeps turning up in new places.

It's loved because it is free, flexible and constantly improving. It's constantly improving because it has a dedicated and committed team of developers who love the challenge and satisfaction of using and building such a tool.

LimeSurvey is widely used. It has been downloaded from Sourceforge over 100,000 times in the last year, and is included as a package in the Ubuntu Linux Distribution, as well as being included as a pre-installed application in many standard Web Hosting packages (such as Fantastico).

LimeSurvey is recognised as a leader in its field. On November 29, 2007 LimeSurvey won the 1st prize award at the Les Trophées du Libre contest in the category Corporate Management. In 2008 LimeSurvey was nominated in the category Best Project for the Enterprise in the SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards 2008.

LimeSurvey is the biggest, most active and most exciting open source online survey project, and we're building on our success by creating a whole new version of the tool.

LimeSurvey Version 2 is a whole new - built from the ground-up - version that will revolutionise online survey design and use.

More importantly, it's a perfect opportunity for a GSoC Jedi like yourself to get involved early in a project that has a strong history and an even stronger future.

GSoC Student Aspirants

Please visit our ideas page and see if any idea interests you. If any idea excites you, and you want to implement that feature during the summer of 2009, see how you can get started on it.

LimeSurvey Mentors

The following mentors are willing to Mentor students during Google Summer of Code 2009 program.

Others who are willing to mentor can write their name and details below along with the Idea they are willing to mentor. Potential Mentors, please do not forget to put your ideas on the ideas page and contact program administrator

Mentor Name
Thibault Le Meur
Condition Handling, Authorization API
Jason Cleeland
Condition Handling, Statistics, Results API, Question Type
Carsten Schmitz
Statistics, Dashboard, Question type, Multilingual Surveys
Carsten Wittenberg
Interface Design
Marcel Minke
LimeSurvey Offline with Google Gears
Josef Prandstetter
LimeSurvey Offline with Google Gears
Tim Wahrendorff
Webservice Interface

More Information

Getting Started

How to Get Started With LimeSurvey:

- setting up the development environment, coding standards, and all the other important stuff that you need to know before the real fun begins!

Project Ideas Page

The LimeSurvey Community Ideas Page:

- ideas that the community have come up with and would love to help you create

Frequently Asked Questions

Death by Survey

  • [Death by Survey]