Installation on XP with IIS
From LimeSurvey Manual
Install Overview
- This guide is written for the web server novice. It is not meant as a definitive, perfect-10 install guide; this is just a recommended installation from me to you.
- This guide will get a running LS configuration on Windows XP using Microsoft's Internet Information System web server (IIS), PHP5, and MySQL.
- After completing this setup, you can login to an IIS-hosted website using your Windows username and password. Your windows account must have a password to be able to login!
Install MySQL
1. Download "MySQL Community Server" and "MySQL Workbench (GUI Tool)" from
2. Run the Community Server install and make sure to select the below options
a. (! = you may miss this, so make sure not to)
b. Choose Custom Install
c. ! Select to install all features and sub-features
d. ! Change install path to C:\mysql
e. Choose to configure server now. No need to register
f. Choose detailed configuration
g. Choose Dedicated MySQL Server Machine (3rd option)
h. Choose Multifunctional Database
i. Default install path
j. Decision Support (DSS)/OLAP
k. Enable TCP/IP
l. ! Check to add firewall exception
m. Enable strict mode
n. Standard character set
o. Install as win service
p. ! Include bin directory in windows path
q. Set password to password
r. Execute the install
3. Setup the LS schema (database)
a. Open a command prompt and type the following commands
b. cd C:\mysql\bin
c. mysql -u root -p
d. Enter mysql root user's password (should be password)
e. CREATE DATABASE limesurvey;
f. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON limesurvey.* TO 'limesurveyuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'limesurvey';
g. Exit the command prompt
4. Setup MySQL Workbench (GUI Tool)
a. Start MySQL GUI Admin
b. Login as root user to localhost
c. Go to Tools -> Manage Connections
d. Under General Options, check Store Passwords
e. Under Connections, make a new connection:
i. Connection = lsu-connection
ii. Username = limesurveyuser
iii. Password = password
iv. Hostname = localhost
v. Use the default port
vi. Schema = limesurvey
f. Exit MySQL GUI Admin
5. Edit LS database settings
a. Edit C:\inetpub\wwwroot\limesurvey\config.php to match the correct usernames and passwords
b. In config.php, set $rootDir='C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\limesurvey';
Install PHP
Download the latest stable version of PHP Windows Binaries from and extract it to c:\php.
Configure PHP settings
a. Edit php.ini (it should be something like C:\php\php.ini-distribution). Rename it to php.ini and move it to C:\windows
b. Comment out the "doc_root =" line, and set cgi.force_redirect = 0
c. Enable your extensions (php_mbstring, php_mysql, php_openssl)
d. Make sure C:/php is in the system path (right-click my computer -> properties -> advanced -> environment variables -> under system variables, select path, and edit)
Install and Configure IIS
1. Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Components -> check IIS
2. Complete the install with the Windows XP Install Disk via i386 folder
3. Copy php5isapi.dll from the php source .zip to C:\php (the same .zip you got the php_mbstring.dll, php_mysql.dll, & php_openssl.dll files from)
4. Open Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> IIS
5. Expand local computer and right-click on websites -> properties
6. Set ISAPI Filters, Home Directory, and Documents tabs:
a. ISAPI Filters: click Add... -> Filter Name = PHP && Executable = C:\php\php5isapi.dll
b. Home Directory: check Read, check Write, Execute Permissions = Scripts Only, click Configuration -> click Add -> Executable = C:\php\php5isapi.dll && Extension = .php
c. Documents: click Add... -> Default Document Name = index.php
7. Apply to the correct websites
Set XP Security Permissions
1. Turn-off windows simple file sharing (google this if you don't know how)
2. Right click C:\inetpub\wwwroot\limesurvey and select properties
3. Under the security tab, select internet guest account, and check read and check write. Apply