
Main chapters

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud vs LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Quick start guide
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Installation
  4. How to design a good survey (Guide)
  5. Getting started
  6. LimeSurvey configuration
  7. Introduction - Surveys
  8. View survey settings
  9. View survey menu
  10. View survey structure
  11. Introduction - Questions
  12. Introduction - Question Groups
  13. Introduction - Surveys - Management
  14. Survey toolbar options
  15. Multilingual survey
  16. Quick start guide - ExpressionScript
  17. Advanced features
  18. General FAQ
  19. Troubleshooting
  20. Workarounds
  21. License
  22. Version change log
  23. Plugins - Advanced

Définir des quotas sur un questionnaire

From LimeSurvey Manual

Translation in progress.

Explication générale

Les quotas sont utilisés pour limiter les réponses de certains groupes de personnes sur un sondage actif. Des attributs communs doivent être définis comme le genre, l'âge, le lieu de résidence... Un quota peut être ajouté, édité ou supprimé sur une page d'administration spécifique. Pour cela cliquez sur le bouton Définir des quotas de questionnaire sur la barre d'administration du questionnaire.

Précisions sur la gestion des quotas

Les quotas ne sont pas exhaustifs et ne s'excluent pas automatiquement. Prenons un exemple simple pour mieux comprendre. Nous avons une question "OUI ou NON" au début du questionnaire.

Nous posons un quota de 20 personnes pour le OUI. Le quota va être testé à chaque fois que quelqu'un va répondre OUI à cette question, et il va être augmenté si la personne termine le sondage. Si la personne répond OUI mais ne termine pas le sondage, cette réponse ne sera pas comptée dans les quotas. Une fois que 20 personnes auront répondu OUI et aurons terminé le sondage, les prochains à répondre OUI ne pourront continuer.

A contrario, le sondage ne va exclure personne choisissant NON. Pour poser une limite sur les réponses NON, vous devez ajouter un deuxième quota.

Questions supportées par les quotas

Actuellement, seul les questions suivantes peuvent servir à définir un quota.

  • Genre
  • Multiples cases à cocher
  • Tableau (5 boutons radio)
  • Tableau (10 boutons radio)
  • Changement de langue
  • Oui/Non
  • Liste (bouton radio), Liste (Menu déroulant), Liste (avec commentaire)

Adding a new Quota

Adding a new quota is really adding a framework for set of quota conditions. For a fully working quota you must firstly "Add a quota", and then "Add Answers" to that quota (see next section).

When adding a quota, you will be asked for a "Quota Name", the "Quota Limit", and a "Quota Action".

From version 1.85RC you will also have the option of setting your own unique quota "Quota Message", "url" and "URL Description" for each language used in your survey. You can also set "Autoload URL" so that the survey redirects users to the quota URL when the quota action is triggered.

All new quotas are assigned to the Survey you were viewing when you clicked "Set Survey Quotas".

  • Quota Name: This is a name to reference the quota by, generally it should describe the quota it will represent.
  • Quota Limit: This is maximum number of completed surveys to allow for the quota. This sets a limit that will be check when quota selected questions are answered during the survey.
  • Quota Action: This is an action to perform when a participant is filling out a survey and lands up being part of a quota that has become full.
    • Terminate Survey: This immediately terminates the survey, and closes the interview.
    • Terminate Survey With Warning: This warns the participant and allows them to go back
  • Autoload URL: This tells LimeSurvey to automatically redirect the participant to the URL when the quota action occurs. (Only In Version 1.85RC)
  • Quota Message: The text displayed to your survey participant if the quota action is triggered (ie: the quota is full). (Only In Version 1.85RC)
  • URL: The URL displayed to survey participants after the quota message, or the URL participants are automatically redirected to if 'Autoload URL' is turned on. You can use URL fields in this section. (Only in Version 1.85RC)
  • URL Description: The text displayed for the URL. (Only in Version 1.85RC)

Once a quota is added, you will be able to add answers under the quota.

Adding an answer

  • Select Question:

+When adding a answer under the quota, you will be shown a list of all available quota questions which are in your survey. If a question does not show up on the list, then its not yet supported with quotas. After you have chosen the question you want, press "Next" to move on to answer selection.

  • Select Answer:

+Once selecting your question, you will be show a list of answers under that question. Here you will select an answer you would like to add to you quota, then press "Next".

Warning about Adding Answers

The quota feature stops working properly when under the same Quota Name more than one answer of the same question is added. This happens for all the types of questions that support quota.

Quota and response data

All data is saved when the participant clicks the "Next" button. Even if the quota is full, the data submitted until the survey is terminated will be recorded. Nevertheless, such id is marked as "No Completed".

Quota and tokens

When tokens are used in a survey and the user is screened out due to a quota, then the according token entry is marked with the letter "Q" in the Completed column. That way the token in invalidated and the survey participant can't re-start the survey.