
Основные главы

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud против LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud — Краткое руководство
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Установка
  4. Как разработать хороший опрос (Руководство)
  5. Начиная
  6. Конфигурация LimeSurvey
  7. Введение - Опросы
  8. Просмотр настроек опроса
  9. Посмотреть меню опроса
  10. Посмотреть структуру опроса
  11. Введение - Вопросы
  12. Введение — группы вопросов
  13. Введение - Опросы - Менеджмент
  14. Параметры панели инструментов опроса
  15. Многоязычный опрос
  16. Краткое руководство — ExpressionScript
  17. Расширенные возможности
  18. Общие вопросы и ответы
  19. Поиск неисправностей
  20. Обходные пути
  21. Лицензия
  22. Журнал изменений версий
  23. Плагины - Расширенный

Администрирование Limesurvey

From LimeSurvey Manual

This page is a translated version of the page Administering LimeSurvey and the translation is 0% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


To administrate your LimeSurvey installation, click the Configuration button located in the top toolbar of the home page:

The menu contains three tabs: settings, users, and advanced.

Settings tab

This tab contains five options which can be used to customize your LimeSurvey installation:

You can also customize your LimeSurvey installation from config.php. For more details, read our wiki on LimeSurvey optional settings.

Users tab

The Users tab contains options related to user and participant management. You have the ability to offer different survey and/or global permissions to your employees/helpers by creating different user groups. Creating user groups makes managing users with different permissions easier. The central participant database (CPDB) contains survey participants who are allocated to more than one survey and/or are shared with other LimeSurvey survey administrators. Three options are located under the Users tab:

Advanced tab

Under this tab you will find options that are neither users- nor settings-related. The Advanced tab contains functionalities that you can use to enhance your survey or your LimeSurvey installation: