All translations
Enter a message name below to show all available translations.
Found 15 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Bulgarian (bg) | *Качете файловете си в папката шаблон /css или /scripts *В /{your_template}/config.xml добавете пътищата на файловете към<css> или<js> блокове, нещо като това:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Danish (da) | *Upload dine filer til skabelonen /css eller /scripts mappen *I /{din_skabelon}/config.xml skal du tilføje filstierne til<css> eller<js> blokke, noget som dette:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h German (de) | *Laden Sie Ihre Dateien in den Vorlagenordner /css oder /scripts hoch *Fügen Sie in /{your_template}/config.xml die Dateipfade hinzu<css> oder<js> Blöcke, etwa so:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h English (en) | *Upload your files to the template /css or /scripts folder *In /{your_template}/config.xml, add the file paths to the <css> or <js> blocks, something like this:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename>css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename>css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Spanish (es) | *¡Sube tus archivos a la carpeta de plantilla /css o /scripts *En /{your_template}/config.xml, agrega las rutas de los archivos al<css> o<js> bloques, algo como esto:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-personalizado.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h French (fr) | *Téléchargez vos fichiers dans le dossier modèle /css ou /scripts *Dans /{your_template}/config.xml, ajoutez les chemins de fichiers au<css> ou<js> blocs, quelque chose comme ceci :<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Hungarian (hu) | *Töltse fel fájljait a sablon /css vagy /scripts mappájába *A /{your_template}/config.xml fájlban adja hozzá a fájl elérési útját a<css> vagy<js> blokkok, valami ilyesmi:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Italian (it) | *Carica i tuoi file nella cartella template /css o /scripts *In /{your_template}/config.xml, aggiungi i percorsi dei file al file<css> O<js> blocchi, qualcosa del genere:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Japanese (ja) | *テンプレートの/cssまたは/scriptsフォルダーにファイルをアップロードする */{your_template}/config.xmlで、<css>ブロックまたは<js>ブロックにファイルパスを追加します。<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename>css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename>css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Dutch (nl) | *Plaats je bestanden in de map template /css of /scripts *Voeg in /{your_template}/config.xml, het pad naar de <css> or <js> blocks, zoiets als:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename>css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename>css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Polish (pl) | *Prześlij swoje pliki do folderu szablonu /css lub /scripts *W /{your_template}/config.xml dodaj ścieżki plików do<css> Lub<js> bloki, coś takiego:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Romanian (ro) | *Încărcați fișierele în folderul șablon /css sau /scripts *În /{template_dvs.}/config.xml, adăugați căile fișierelor la<css> sau<js> blocuri, ceva de genul acesta:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Slovenian (sl) | *Naložite svoje datoteke v mapo predloge /css ali /scripts *V /{your_template}/config.xml dodajte poti datotek v<css> oz<js> bloki, nekaj takega:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Vietnamese (vi) | *Tải tệp của bạn lên thư mục mẫu /css hoặc /scripts *Trong /{your_template}/config.xml, thêm đường dẫn tệp vào<css> hoặc<js> khối, đại loại như thế này:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml"><css> <filename> css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename> css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |
h Chinese (China) (zh-cn) | *上传文件到模板的文件夹 /css 或 /scripts *在 /{your_template}/config.xml文件的 <css> 或 <js> 块中添加文件路径,示例:<syntaxhighlight lang="xml" enclose="div"><css> <filename>css/jquery-ui-custom.css</filename> <filename>css/bootstrap-slider.css</filename> |