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Found 15 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Bulgarian (bg) | *В application/config/config.php намерете 'config'=>array и добавете този ред към масива: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *В /{your_template}/config.xml задайте "overwrite_question_views" на вярно *Копирайте application/views/survey/* в template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Имайте предвид, че трябва да копирате само файловете, които възнамерявате да промените, но файловата структура трябва да остане същата като в приложение/изгледи/анкета/ |
h Danish (da) | *I application/config/config.php, find 'config'=>array og tilføj denne linje til arrayet: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *I /{your_template}/config.xml, sæt "overwrite_question_views" til true *Kopiér application/views/survey/* til template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Bemærk, at du kun behøver at kopiere de filer, du har til hensigt at ændre, men filstrukturen skal forblive den samme som i applikation/visninger/undersøgelse/ |
h German (de) | *In application/config/config.php suchen Sie nach „config“=>array und fügen diese Zeile zum Array hinzu: „allow_templates_to_overwrite_views“=>1 *In /{your_template}/config.xml setzen Sie „overwrite_question_views“ auf true *Kopieren Sie application/views/survey/* nach template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Beachten Sie, dass Sie nur die Dateien kopieren müssen, die Sie ändern möchten, die Dateistruktur jedoch dieselbe bleiben muss wie in Bewerbung/Ansichten/Umfrage/ |
h English (en) | *In application/config/config.php, find 'config'=>array and add this line to the array : 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *In /{your_template}/config.xml, set "overwrite_question_views" to true *Copy application/views/survey/* to template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Note that you only need to copy the files that you intend to modify but the file structure must remain the same as in application/views/survey/ |
h Spanish (es) | *En application/config/config.php, busque 'config'=>array y agregue esta línea a la matriz: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *En /{su_plantilla}/config.xml, establezca "overwrite_question_views" en true. *Copie application/views/survey/ * a template/{su_directorio de_vistas}/survey/ *Tenga en cuenta que sólo necesita copiar los archivos que desea modificar, la estructura de los archivos debe permanecer igual como en application/views/survey/ |
h French (fr) | *Dans application/config/config.php, recherchez 'config'=>array et ajoutez cette ligne au tableau : 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *Dans /{your_template}/config.xml, définissez "overwrite_question_views" sur true *Copiez application/views/survey/* dans template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Notez que vous devez uniquement copier les fichiers que vous avez l'intention de modifier, mais la structure des fichiers doit rester la même que dans application/vues/enquête/ |
h Hungarian (hu) | *Az application/config/config.php fájlban keresse meg a 'config'=>tömböt, és adja hozzá ezt a sort a tömbhöz: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *A /{your_template}/config.xml fájlban állítsa be a "overwrite_question_views" értéket true *Alkalmazás/nézetek/felmérés/* másolása a sablonba/{saját_nézeti_könyvtár}/felmérés/ *Ne feledje, hogy csak a módosítani kívánt fájlokat kell másolnia, de a fájlszerkezetnek meg kell maradnia a jelentkezés/nézetek/felmérés/ |
h Italian (it) | *In application/config/config.php, trova 'config'=>array e aggiungi questa riga all'array: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *In /{your_template}/config.xml, imposta "overwrite_question_views" su true *Copia application/views/survey/* in template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Nota che devi solo copiare i file che intendi modificare ma la struttura del file deve rimanere la stessa di application/views/survey/ |
h Japanese (ja) | *application/config/config.phpで、'config'=>arrayを探し、次の行を配列に加えます。'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 */{your_template}/config.xmlで、"overwrite_question_views"をtrueに設定します。 *application/views/survey/*をtemplate/{your_view_directory}/survey/にコピーします。 *変更するファイルのみをコピーする必要がありますが、ファイル構造はapplication/views/survey/と同じでなければなりません。 |
h Dutch (nl) | *Zoek in application/config/config.php naar 'config'=>array en voeg deze regel toe in het array : 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *Zet in /{your_template}/config.xml "overwrite_question_views" op true *Kopieer application/views/survey/* naar template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *NB: je hoeft alleen de bestanden te kopiëren die je wilt wijzigen, de bestandsstructuur moet hetzelfde blijven als in application/views/survey/ |
h Polish (pl) | *W application/config/config.php znajdź 'config'=>array i dodaj tę linię do tablicy: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *W /{your_template}/config.xml ustaw "overwrite_question_views" na true *Skopiuj aplikację/widoki/ankieta/* do szablonu/{katalog_widoku}/survey/ *Pamiętaj, że wystarczy skopiować tylko te pliki, które zamierzasz modyfikować, ale struktura plików musi pozostać taka sama jak w aplikacja/opinie/ankieta/ |
h Romanian (ro) | *În application/config/config.php, găsiți „config”=>array și adăugați această linie la matrice: „allow_templates_to_overwrite_views”=>1 *În /{your_template}/config.xml, setați „overwrite_question_views” la adevărat *Copiați aplicația/views/survey/* în template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Rețineți că trebuie să copiați doar fișierele pe care intenționați să le modificați, dar structura fișierului trebuie să rămână aceeași ca în aplicație/vizualizări/sondaj/ |
h Slovenian (sl) | *V aplikaciji/config/config.php poiščite 'config'=>array in matriki dodajte to vrstico: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *V /{your_template}/config.xml nastavite »overwrite_question_views« na res *Kopiraj application/views/survey/* v template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Upoštevajte, da morate kopirati samo datoteke, ki jih nameravate spremeniti, vendar mora struktura datoteke ostati enaka kot v aplikacija/ogledi/anketa/ |
h Vietnamese (vi) | *Trong application/config/config.php, tìm 'config'=>mảng và thêm dòng này vào mảng: 'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *Trong /{your_template}/config.xml, đặt "overwrite_question_views" thành true *Sao chép application/views/survey/* vào template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *Lưu ý rằng bạn chỉ cần sao chép các tệp mà bạn định sửa đổi nhưng cấu trúc tệp phải giữ nguyên như trong ứng dụng/lượt xem/khảo sát/ |
h Chinese (China) (zh-cn) | *在application/config/config.php 文件里找到 'config'=>array,并添加后面的代码:'allow_templates_to_overwrite_views'=>1 *在 /{your_template}/config.xml, 设置 "overwrite_question_views" 为( true) *复制 application/views/survey/* 到 template/{your_view_directory}/survey/ *注意!你只需要复制你打算修改的文件,文件结构还是要和 application/views/survey/ 保持一致。 |