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Found 15 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Bulgarian (bg) | Например, можете да използвате тази инструкция, за да зададете парола на password: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> АКТУАЛИЗИРАНЕ lime_users SET парола = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131 656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Тук с префикс към lime_ и избрана база данни. |
h Danish (da) | For eksempel kan du bruge denne instruktion til at sætte adgangskode til password: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> OPDATERING lime_users SET adgangskode = 0x3565383834383938646132383034373135316430653536663864633632393237373336303364623613364263161364613643616363636363636363636163613636336363363633636363161 6637323164313534326438 HVOR uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Her med præfiks til lime_ og database valgt. |
h German (de) | Mit dieser Anweisung können Sie beispielsweise das Passwort auf "passwort" setzen: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SET password = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Hier mit Präfix zu „lime_“ und ausgewählter Datenbank. |
h English (en) | For example, you can use this instruction to set password to password: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SET password = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Here with prefix to lime_ and database selected. |
h Spanish (es) | Por ejemplo, puede utilizar esta instrucción para configurar la contraseña como contraseña: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SET contraseña = 0x356538383438393864613238303437313531643065353666386463363239323737333630336430643661616262646436326131316 56637323164313534326438 DONDE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Aquí con prefijo lime_ y base de datos seleccionada. |
h French (fr) | Par exemple, vous pouvez utiliser cette instruction pour définir le mot de passe sur password: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SET mot de passe = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733336303364306436616162626464363261313165 6637323164313534326438 OÙ uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Ici avec le préfixe de lime_ et la base de données sélectionnée. |
h Hungarian (hu) | Például ezzel az utasítással beállíthatja a jelszót jelszóra: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users BEÁLLÍTOTT jelszó = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363239323737333630393237373336303364366463643643663636436438631 656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Itt a lime_ előtaggal és az adatbázis kiválasztva. |
h Italian (it) | Ad esempio, è possibile utilizzare questa istruzione per impostare password su password: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SET password = 0x356538383438393864613238303437313531643065353666386463363239323737333630336430643661616262646436326131316 56637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Qui con prefisso lime_ e database selezionato. |
h Japanese (ja) | 例として、次の操作でパスワードを password に : <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SET password = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> これは、使用するデータベースを選択していて、接頭辞が lime_ の場合の例です。 |
h Dutch (nl) | Voorbeeld: Je kan gebruik maken van deze regel om een wachtwoord in te stellen: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SET password = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Hier met de prefix lime_ en de database al geselecteerd. |
h Polish (pl) | Na przykład możesz użyć tej instrukcji, aby ustawić hasło na hasło: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users USTAW hasło = 0x356538383438393864613238303437313531643065353666386463363239323737333630336430643661616262646436326131316 56637323164313534326438 GDZIE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Tutaj z przedrostkiem lime_ i wybraną bazą danych. |
h Romanian (ro) | De exemplu, puteți folosi această instrucțiune pentru a seta parola la parola: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> UPDATE lime_users SETĂ parola = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033664316363663164 656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Aici cu prefix la lime_ și baza de date selectată. |
h Slovenian (sl) | To navodilo lahko na primer uporabite za nastavitev gesla na geslo: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> POSODOBITE lime_users NASTAVITE geslo = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131 656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Tukaj s predpono lime_ in izbrano zbirko podatkov. |
h Vietnamese (vi) | Ví dụ: bạn có thể sử dụng hướng dẫn này để đặt mật khẩu thành mật khẩu: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> CẬP NHẬT Lime_users ĐẶT mật khẩu = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131656 637323164313534326438 Ở ĐÂU uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> Ở đây có tiền tố là Lime_ và cơ sở dữ liệu được chọn. |
h Chinese (China) (zh-cn) | 比如你可以用下面的说明设置你的密码: <syntaxhighlight lang="sql" enclose="div"> UPDATE lime_users SET password = 0x35653838343839386461323830343731353164306535366638646336323932373733363033643064366161626264643632613131656637323164313534326438 WHERE uid =1; </syntaxhighlight> 这个例子是以 lime_ 为前缀,并已经选择了数据库。 |