
Main chapters

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud vs LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Quick start guide
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Installation
  4. How to design a good survey (Guide)
  5. Getting started
  6. LimeSurvey configuration
  7. Introduction - Surveys
  8. View survey settings
  9. View survey menu
  10. View survey structure
  11. Introduction - Questions
  12. Introduction - Question Groups
  13. Introduction - Surveys - Management
  14. Survey toolbar options
  15. Multilingual survey
  16. Quick start guide - ExpressionScript
  17. Advanced features
  18. General FAQ
  19. Troubleshooting
  20. Workarounds
  21. License
  22. Version change log
  23. Plugins - Advanced


All translations

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Found 17 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Arabic (ar)جميع إعدادات الأسئلة: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 الصفحات الخاصة: QS]
 h Bulgarian (bg)Настройки на всички въпроси: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Специални страници: QS]
 h Danish (da)Alle spørgsmålsindstillinger : [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Specialsider : QS]
 h German (de)Alle Frageeinstellungen : [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Spezielle Seiten : QS]
 h English (en)All Question settings : [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Special pages : QS]
 h Spanish (es)Todas las configuraciones de preguntas: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Páginas especiales: QS]
 h French (fr)Paramètres de tous les questions : [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Pages spéciales : QS]
 h Hungarian (hu)Az összes kérdés beállítása: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Speciális oldalak : QS]
 h Italian (it)Tutte le impostazioni delle domande: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Pagine speciali: QS]
 h Japanese (ja)すべての質問設定 : [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Special pages : QS]
 h Dutch (nl)Alle instellingen van vragen:  [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Special pages : QS]
 h Polish (pl)Wszystkie ustawienia pytań: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Strony specjalne: QS]
 h Romanian (ro)Toate setările întrebărilor: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Pagini speciale: QS]
 h Russian (ru)Все параметры вопросов  : [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Special pages : QS]
 h Slovenian (sl)Vse nastavitve vprašanj: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 Posebne strani: QS]
 h Vietnamese (vi)Tất cả cài đặt Câu hỏi: [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=special:AllPages&namespace=500 Các trang đặc biệt: QS]
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)所有问题设置 : [https://manual.limesurvey.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPages&namespace=500 特殊页面 : QS]