

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud oder LimeSurvey CE?
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Schnellstartanleitung
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Installation
  4. Wie man eine gute Umfrage gestaltet (Leitfaden)
  5. Erste Schritte
  6. LimeSurvey-Konfiguration
  7. Einführung - Umfragen
  8. Umfrageeinstellungen anzeigen
  9. Umfragemenü anzeigen
  10. Umfragestruktur anzeigen
  11. Einführung - Fragen/Fragetypen
  12. Einführung - Fragegruppen
  13. Einführung - Umfragen - Management
  14. Optionen der Umfrage-Symbolleiste
  15. Mehrsprachige Umfrage
  16. Kurzanleitung - ExpressionScript
  17. Erweiterte Funktionen
  18. Allgemeine FAQ - Häufig gestellte Fragen
  19. Fehlerbehebung
  20. Tipps und Tricks
  21. Lizenzbestimmungen
  22. Änderungshistorie
  23. Plugins - Erweitert

Reihenfolge der Fragen/Fragengruppen anpassen

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 20:25, 24 February 2019 by Fabian031 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Einleitung=")

Diese Funktion wurde kürzlich grundlegend überarbeitet. Sollten Sie nicht die aktuelle Verison von LimeSurvey verwenden, finden Sie hier eine zu Ihrer Version passende Anleitung.


If you wish to reorder questions and/or question groups, access the Settings tab and click on the Reorder questions/question groups button:

Once clicked, the following panel will load up:

The question groups are displayed in the expanded mode by default.

As underlined in the above screenshot, do not forget to press the save/save and close button once you are done editing the order of the questions and question groups.

Please note that you can still reorder questions by using the drag-and-drop option on questions and question groups listed under the Structure tab. For more details, click here.

Reordering questions

To change the order of a question, click on it and drag it to the new location. It can be a place located either within the question group it already belongs to or within another question group.

In this example, the position of question "Gender" was changed:

 Hint: Play with the Collapse all and Expand all buttons to get a better visualization of the survey questions. You may also use the arrow located right next to the name of the question group to expand or collapse only certain question groups.

Reordering question groups

To start reordering question groups, click on the group and drag it to the desired position:

In our example, the position of group "Single choice question" was changed:

 Hint: Use the Collapse all button located next to the green tip box to better visualize the groups used within your survey.

Alternative option to reorder questions and question groups

You can also change the order of the questions and question groups from the Survey Structure located under the Structure tab. Once accessed, click on the three-lines symbol that is located in front of the question (group) name and start dragging it to the desired position.

  Attention : Questions are displayed according to the order you set from the "reordering panel". However, conditions might prevent the reordering of the questions. In this case, you will have to delete or change the respective conditions first.