
Glavna poglavja

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud proti LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud – Hitri vodnik
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Montaža
  4. Kako oblikovati dobro anketo (Vodnik)
  5. Začetek
  6. Konfiguracija LimeSurvey
  7. Uvod - Ankete
  8. Oglejte si nastavitve ankete
  9. Ogled menija ankete
  10. Oglejte si strukturo ankete
  11. Uvod - Vprašanja
  12. Uvod – skupine vprašanj
  13. Uvod – Ankete – Upravljanje
  14. Možnosti orodne vrstice ankete
  15. Večjezična anketa
  16. Vodnik za hitri začetek - ExpressionScript
  17. Napredne funkcije
  18. Splošna pogosta vprašanja
  19. Odpravljanje težav
  20. Rešitve
  21. Licenca
  22. Dnevnik sprememb različice
  23. Vtičniki – napredno

QueXML PDF izvoz

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 09:24, 14 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with ";Dovoli razdelitev vprašanj z eno izbiro na več strani :Vprašanj z eno izbiro, kot so vprašanja v slogu "radio", je mogoče dovoliti razdelitev na več strani. Uporabno,...")


Funkcija queXML PDF Export vam omogoča izvoz trenutne ankete v strukturirano datoteko PDF, ki je primerna za obdelavo s programsko opremo Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), kot je [1].

Če želite uporabiti to funkcijo, odprite katero koli nastavitve, povezane z anketo, izberite Prikaži/izvozi menijski vnos in izberite možnost izvoza queXML PDF:

V izvoženo datoteko ZIP je vključena anketa v obliki PDF, datoteka XML s pasovi (ta opisuje lokacijo polj na papirnatem obrazcu), slogovna datoteka XML (opisuje nastavitve, uporabljene za izdelavo datoteke PDF) in [https ://quexml.acspri.org.au/ queXML] (strukturiran opis strukture vprašalnika).

Možnosti LimeSurvey

Nastavitve, predstavljene na tej strani, so privzete za programsko opremo za izvoz queXML PDF. Te je mogoče spremeniti, da ustvarite drugačen papirni vprašalnik.

Izbira jezika
Če je anketa prevedena v več jezikov - lahko tukaj izberete jezik za izvoz.
Uporabi slog za elemente na papirnatem obrazcu s pomočjo CSS.
Dovoli, da se vprašanja v slogu niza razdelijo na več strani
Če imaš v svoji anketi nize z veliko podvprašanji, bo to omogočilo, da se niz razdeli na več strani. Tako se izognete stranem z zelo dolgimi vprašanji ali preveč praznega prostora na strani. Na dnu strani se prikaže puščica, ki označuje, da se vprašanje nadaljuje na naslednji strani.
Dovoli razdelitev vprašanj z eno izbiro na več strani
Vprašanj z eno izbiro, kot so vprašanja v slogu "radio", je mogoče dovoliti razdelitev na več strani. Uporabno, če imate vprašanja z dolgim seznamom možnih odgovorov. Na dnu strani se prikaže puščica, ki označuje, da se vprašanje nadaljuje na naslednji strani.
Allow multiple short text / numeric questions to be split over multiple pages
Where multiple short text or multiple numeric question types are used - allow their subquestions to appear split over multiple pages (an arrow will appear at the bottom of the page to indicate the question continues on the next page).
Allow slider questions to be split over multiple pages
Slider questions present as Visual Analog Scale (VAS) items in queXML PDF pages. This will allow for a list of sliders to be split over multiple pages. An arrow will appear at the bottom of the page to indicate the question continues on the next page.
Minimum height of single choice answer boxes
This sets the minimum height in millimetres of each response item to a single choice (e.g., radio) question. Set this value lower to fit more questions on a page.
Minimum height of subquestion items
The minimum height in millimetres of sub questions in an array style question. Set this value lower to fit more sub question items in an array style question. Please be wary that setting this too low may cut the end from long sub question text items.
Margin before questionnaireInfo element (mm)
The questionnaireInfo element is the "Welcome" text or "End text" of the survey. This setting sets the margin in millimetres before the text is displayed.
Answer option / subquestion font size
The font size in points of answer options or sub question text.
Answer label font size (normal)
The font size in points of answer labels when displayed in subquestions.
Answer label font size (small)
The font size in points of answer labels when displayed in subquestions where the used long words that cannot fit in the area are provided without being split.
Minimum section height (mm)
Each group in a LimeSurvey survey appears as a new section in the queXML PDF document. This setting sets the minimum height in millimetres of the heading for the new section.
Background colour for sections (0 black - 255 white)
The amount of greyness behind a section heading.
Background colour for questions (0 black - 255 white)
The amount of greyness behind questions. Good form design suggests having a light grey background to avoid eye strain and to make the areas for responses clearly defined (the areas for responses are always white).
Page orientation
Portrait or landscape orientation for the paper questionnaire.
Page format
The size of the paper to use (A4, A3, US Letter).
Edge detection format
What edge style to be used on the page to allow for alignment when scanned.

Clicking on the "queXML PDF export" button will generate a ZIP archive containing the PDF questionnaire and associated files.

If you have changed the settings above and wish to reset them back to the default queXML PDF settings, click on the "Reset to default settings" button:

General Configuration Settings

You may find some extra configurations settings under the file application/config/config-defaults.php.

This file contains the default settings for LimeSurvey. Do not edit this file as it may change in future revisions of the software. Correct procedure to setup LimeSurvey is the following:

  • copy the lines corresponding to the parameter you want to change from this file to the config.php file
  • edit these lines in config.php

This way the default values will be overridden.

TODO: Example


If set to true, the printable_help attribute will be visible on the exported PDF survey. If used, the appearance (font size, justification, etc.) may be adjusted by editing td.questionHelpBefore and $helpBeforeBorderBottom of quexml.

quexmlusequestiontitleasid (New in 4.3 )

If set to true, each question in the PDF will be identified by the question title instead of the automatic section and number generated for the report.

quexmlkeepsurveydateformat (New in 4.3 )

If set to true, the Data/Time answers will be formated with the survey's date format, instead of using the default DB format.