
Các chương chính

  1. Đám mây LimeSurvey vs LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Hướng dẫn bắt đầu nhanh
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Lắp đặt
  4. Cách thiết kế một cuộc khảo sát tốt (Hướng dẫn)
  5. Bắt đầu
  6. Cấu hình LimeSurvey
  7. Cấu hình LimeSurvey
  8. Giới thiệu - Khảo sát
  9. Xem menu khảo sát
  10. Xem cấu trúc khảo sát
  11. Giới thiệu - Câu hỏi
  12. Introduction - Question Groups
  13. Introduction - Surveys - Management
  14. Survey toolbar options
  15. Multilingual survey
  16. Quick start guide - ExpressionScript
  17. Advanced features
  18. General FAQ
  19. Troubleshooting
  20. Workarounds
  21. License
  22. Version change log
  23. Plugins - Advanced


Information for "ExpressionScript - Presentation/17/vi"

Basic information

Display titleTranslations:ExpressionScript - Presentation/17/vi
Default sort keyExpressionScript - Presentation/17/vi
Page length (in bytes)14
Namespace ID1198
Page ID161750
Page content languagevi - Vietnamese
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsDisallowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Number of subpages of this page0 (0 redirects; 0 non-redirects)

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Edit history

Page creatorMaren.fritz (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation18:14, 15 January 2024
Latest editorMaren.fritz (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit18:14, 15 January 2024
Total number of edits1
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0