class Rewards extends PluginBase { protected $storage = 'DbStorage'; static protected $description = 'Rewards plugin'; static protected $name = "Rewards"; public function __construct(PluginManager $manager, $id) { parent::__construct($manager, $id); /** * Here you should handle subscribing to the events your plugin will handle */ $this->subscribe('afterAdminMenuLoad'); $this->subscribe('newDirectRequest'); } public function afterAdminMenuLoad(){ $event = $this->event; $menu = $event->get('menu', array()); $menu['items']['left'][]=array( 'href' => "plugins/direct/rewards?function=assignRewards", 'alt' => gT('Rewards'), 'image' => 'bounce.png' ); $event->set('menu', $menu); } public function newDirectRequest(){ $event = $this->event; $request = $event->get('request'); //get the function param and then you can call that method $functionToCall = $event->get('function'); $content = call_user_func(array($this,$functionToCall)); $event->setContent($this, $content); } function assignRewards() { $content = "

plugin content set succesfully

"; return $content; } }