Hello community,
when trying to install limesurvey205plus-build141020.zip I've got the following error message with respect to the database name:
Please fix the following input errors:
Text darf nur Kleinbuchstaben enthalten.
Text needs to be lowercase.
Unfortunately, the existing database name contains capital letters (name scheme DB12345678). I don't have the right to chance it. My host (strato) won't change it either.
Does anybody know a way how I could work with a capital letter database name in LimeSurvey?
By the way I'm a newbie with LimeSurvey and database management and want to say thank you for the very good manual!
Here are the technical details (I hope, that's what you need for an answer):
Server: rdbms via TCP/IP
Server-Typ: MySQL
Server Version: 5.5.37-log - Source distribution
Protokoll-Version: 10
Server Zeichensatz: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Thanks for the hint.
When I try it, I get the message, that "Database doesn't exist!"
When I click to creat it, there is another error message:
"Database configuration
Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:
Please fix the following input errors:
Try again! Connection with database failed."
I guess that I don't have the right to create a database. I think to do so, I have to use the tool of the host. But to be true, I'm not quite sure about that point.
Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
Feel free to contact me by email for professional LimeSurvey support!
Maybe it's of interest: I tried to install an older version (Version 2.00+ Build 131206) and it worked.
Then I tried to update this version via "ComfortUpdate" to the latest version. Unfortunately, it produced an error message.