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#su - postgres $psql $createdb --template=limesurvey_db --owner=lime limesurvey_db_test
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[25P02]: In failed sql transaction: 7 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block. The SQL statement executed was: ALTER TABLE lime_labels ALTER COLUMN language SET NOT NULL
ERROR: column "language" is in a primary key STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE lime_labels ALTER COLUMN language DROP NOT NULL ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE lime_labels ALTER COLUMN language SET NOT NULL
alterColumn('{{labels}}','language',"{$sVarchar}(20)",false , 'en');
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[25P02]: In failed sql transaction: 7 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block. The SQL statement executed was: UPDATE "lime_user_groups" SET "name"=:name WHERE name is NULL. Bound with :name=''
ERROR: index "email" does not exist STATEMENT: DROP INDEX "email" ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block STATEMENT: UPDATE "lime_user_groups" SET "name"='' WHERE name is NULL
ERROR: column "surveyls_survey_id" is in a primary key STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE lime_surveys_languagesettings ALTER COLUMN surveyls_survey_id DROP NOT NULL ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE lime_surveys_languagesettings ALTER COLUMN surveyls_survey_id SET NOT NULL ERROR: relation "questions_idx3" already exists STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX "questions_idx3" ON "lime_questions" ("gid") ERROR: index "user_in_groups_idx1" does not exist STATEMENT: DROP INDEX "user_in_groups_idx1" ERROR: index "lime_user_name_key" does not exist STATEMENT: DROP INDEX "lime_user_name_key" ERROR: column "attribute_type" is in a primary key STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE lime_participant_attribute_names ALTER COLUMN attribute_type DROP NOT NULL ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE lime_participant_attribute_names ALTER COLUMN attribute_type SET NOT NULL ERROR: column "id" of relation "lime_participant_attribute_names_lang" does not exist STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE "lime_participant_attribute_names_lang" DROP COLUMN "id" ERROR: column "shared_uid" does not exist STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE "lime_participant_shares" RENAME COLUMN "shared_uid" TO "share_uid" ERROR: index "assessments_idx" does not exist STATEMENT: DROP INDEX "assessments_idx" ERROR: relation "assessments_idx3" already exists STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX "assessments_idx3" ON "lime_assessments" ("gid") ERROR: index "ixcode" does not exist STATEMENT: DROP INDEX "ixcode" ERROR: syntax error at or near "PRIMARY" at character 32 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE lime_questions DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (qid,language)