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Duplicated Question ID

  • Rafalt
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10 years 4 months ago #113668 by Rafalt
Duplicated Question ID was created by Rafalt
Hi, I'm new here :) but I'm working with LS for some time now (2.05+ Build 141003 version right now).

All of my questionnaires were in Polish, until today, when I started to work on the Georgian one.
Unfortunately questions from the latter are having the same Question ID (not question code), the system started counting from no 1. The problem is that the same question ID are assgned to already existing questionaire. If I want to add a new question in the Georgian questionnaire, I have to delete the previous, Polish one - that's pretty bad case for me.

Any clues how to resove this problem?
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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #113674 by Rafalt
Replied by Rafalt on topic Duplicated Question ID
I just started a new questionnaire, I've changed the language again (to the one I've never used before).
The same situation occurs - i.e. system assigns question ID starting from no 1.
If I choose this new question (with ID:1), it automaticaly moves me to the 1'st questionaire, to the question with ID:1. I can add a new question to the new questionnaire only if I delete the question in the first questionnaire (with the ID:1).

It looks like I should have different instalation for different langaues, but that doesn't make sense.
Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Rafalt.
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10 years 4 months ago #113678 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Duplicated Question ID
No, that doesn't make sense, nor should it happen. I cannot reproduce the problem but please file a bug report and...
  1. Give as much information as possible.
  2. Provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the problem.
  3. Provide screenshots and/or a sample survey.
  4. Post the link to the bug here so we can follow the progress.


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  • Rafalt
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10 years 4 months ago #113680 by Rafalt
Replied by Rafalt on topic Duplicated Question ID
In my case problem occurs every time when I'm adding a questionnaire with a new language (that I've never used before in LS).

In that case first added question in new questionnaire gets ID:1
If I decide to add a second questionnaire with a different Base language it starts couning new questions starting again from ID:1

In this situation conflict occurs - you can have access only to one question (it automatically takes you to the 1st question from 1st questionnaire if you're trying to open a 1st question from the second questionnaire). When you delete one of the questions - both are dissapearing.

Attached you will find two questionnaires with one question (Croatian and Russian language base). They both have ID:1 in my system.

So it looks like IDs are created within a particular langage base.

I would greatly appreciate any help
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10 years 3 months ago #113930 by sitawit
Replied by sitawit on topic Duplicated Question ID
I can support this. I have to same problem.

To summarize the problem, it happens when you import a survey file (in this case, it's .lss) to LimeSurvey. And if the base language of the survey is not the same. LimeSurvey could produces duplicate question id.

For example, you have a survey that has English as based language then you import German survey, the questions id of German survey will be restart counting from 1. So the question id will be duplicated.

I also created a bug here bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=9339 .
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  • Rafalt
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10 years 3 months ago #113931 by Rafalt
Replied by Rafalt on topic Duplicated Question ID
Thanks, I can add to this, that above problem occurs also every time when you create a new questionnaie in a totally new language (for your ls instalation).

One fast, but not the best solution for this problem, is to use in every questionnaire, as a base language your "first choice" language (even if you don't plan to use it).

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10 years 3 months ago #113942 by sitawit
Replied by sitawit on topic Duplicated Question ID
I guess this happens to only MySQL innoDB database.

What I've found our more is the auto-increment of qid in questionstable has something weird in it.

When inserting data using different language for language field the auto-increment of qid doesn't seem to work.

You can try insert a question manually with different language, the column qid will start counting from 1 for each language. I'm not sure what happens but it has never happens before.
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10 years 3 months ago - 10 years 3 months ago #113943 by sitawit
Replied by sitawit on topic Duplicated Question ID
Another finding is .. this doesn't happen to Version 2.05+ Build 140703 this is version that I used to develop but it happens to Version 2.05+ Build 140902 (my production server, I think latest version is better). So the problem lies some where between this.
Last edit: 10 years 3 months ago by sitawit. Reason: typo
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10 years 3 months ago #113959 by Mazi
Replied by Mazi on topic Duplicated Question ID
Thanks for reporting this issue. We will look into it.

Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
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  • DenisChenu
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10 years 3 months ago #113966 by DenisChenu
Replied by DenisChenu on topic Duplicated Question ID

sitawit wrote: When inserting data using different language for language field the auto-increment of qid doesn't seem to work.


The unique key is array{qid,language} but when importing : same question code have same qid. Then it must work.


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10 years 3 months ago #114174 by ptrnlsn
Replied by ptrnlsn on topic Duplicated Question ID
I'm new to LS but I seem to have the same problem.. when I create a new survey in any language different to the existing surveys (that are all in English), new questions are assigned with question ID1, ID2, ID3 and so on, so when I click 'add question' it jumps to the survey that already uses that question ID.

FYI I have a fresh install of Version 2.05+ Build 141020 using MySQL.
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